Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 08: Week 2

*jumps in circles and waves*
Hi!! I'm still alive...

So...2nd week of Christmas Break has come and far, I've been getting an overload of TV, Minesweeper, Hearts, Spider Solitare, Free Cell and, (oh, I nearly forgot) pizza. After 1 semester of avoiding pizza in the cafeteria, I've been drowned in pizza. *gasps* It started with a Christmas Pizza Party on my last day work...and more pizza at the Schmidts...apparently its a staple here...oh, I'm not complaining...its good stuff...I just find it amusing...did I ever tell you that I'm easily amused?

Yeah, so that has been my past week...I've been bumming around...playing games, watching tv and eating wonder I'm starting to fall sick: headaches, aching bones and whoozieness...the onset of a fever perhaps? I dunno...doesn't matter...

Okay, so tommorow, dad is coming to David and I are going to visit him at aunty sue's sister's house...more updates about that later!!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 08: Week 1 i'm a thief. But who hasn't stolen wifi from time to time? *insert guilty grin*

So I'm staying with my bro's friend's family...the Schmidt's...and I'm currently borrowing wifi from one of their neighbours. Ahhem.

Anyways, here's a summary of my past week:

Thursday, 18 Dec
The day started off with a 8 am room check...I went to work for 4 hours...went to the Oklahoma City Airport...waited in the terminal for 8 on the plane...landed at Memphis Airport...slept in a hotel room.

Friday, 19 Dec
Woke up at 6ish...took the shuttle bus from the hotel to the airport...went through security...went to my gate...found out my flight was cancelled...competed with like 300 other people to get booked on the earliest next flight to Chicago...ended up waiting in the terminal for over 12 hours.

I'm sorry, but you tend to turn into a cam whore when you have been stuck in a airport terminal for over 12 hours...

...from morning to evening to night...
Finally got on the plane...landed...met David korkor...found out that Mrs. Bag was lost...Mr. Schmidt drove "home"...took a bath and...*crash* Cow falls into a coma.
Saturday, 20 Dec
Woke up at a ungodly hour...hung around the house all day waiting for Mrs. Bag...ended up having to go shopping for church clothes...

Sunday, 21 Dec
Found Mrs. Bag sitting on the porch in the morning...went to was -24* kidding...then the Schmidts took us to the "Do it yourself Handle's Messiah Concert". Which means that the 1000 people audience is the also the choir singing the chorus of Handle's Messiah. It was cool...but next time, I rather listen than sing (or lip synch)

Monday, 22 Dec
Went with David to meet up with his ex-roommate and David Khoo. Don't ask me how everyone knows one another. It's a small world. We had a good discussion about marrying David kor kor off: Fun. We took public transport...which involved lots of walking in snow, wind, cold, wet feet and numb toes: No fun.

That's us on the train. Do we lookie alike?

Tuesday, 23 Dec
Went shopping for Christmas prezzies with David kor kor and his friend...ended up in a outdoor mall...which means more snow, wind, cold, wet feet and numb toes.

Pros of shopping with two tall guys: If you walk behind them, they kinda block the wind.

Cons of shopping with two tall guys: They have LONG LEGS and I have to jog 5 paces every 10 steps to catch up with them. MEN!

Wednesday, 24 Dec
Christmas Eve Service got cancelled due to over abundance of snow...later in the evening, the Schmidt's extended family came over for Christmas Eve there was food, presents and games...Fun.
We played Christmas Taboo...and I blooped...

Schmidt Jr: When I am frightened or surprised I say, "What the____."

Caryn: Hell?

Everyone: *roars with laughter*

Schmidt Jr: *Stares* Well...yeah...but when I want to say that nicely I go "What the ____."

Caryn: Ohhhh. DICKENS.

Thursday, 25 Dec
More family time with the Schmidts...watching Christmas movies and such...

It has been an interesting first Christmas away from home...I can't complain...the family I'm staying with are awfully nice and welcoming...but its...different, I guess...hmmm...

Merry Christmas Folks!

Hey people!

Merry Christmas!! =)

It's cold.

There is like 2 feet of snow out there.

Christmas Eve Service got cancelled because of bad weather.

Did I mention that it's cold? Yeah, 20 below freezing is pretty cold.

Anyways, Merry Christmas people. Miss you all...


Human Icicle

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I made it

Just a short update...I made it to Chicago after 32 hours.

My 8 am flight did get cancelled...and I had to wait 12 hours for the next flight...and I survived by drinking starbucks...and I know this sounds totally impossible, but I suspect that I'm sick of starbucks...2 huge cups in 12 hours is a lil over kill...

And oh, Mrs. Bag is lost (yet again!) and I shall need to go shopping for essentials in a bit...blek! Sigh...

Never the mind...I'm here...and that's awesome.

Friday, December 19, 2008

I lied.

I lied.

Apparently I lie a lot...I have a history of proven here.

I confess I lied about going to see that guy in red on Thursday. Because today is Friday and I still haven't seen him...I am an evil lying worm...*sigh*

Anyways...the reason why I haven't met David kor kor and Tabby is because MY FLIGHT GOT DELAYED AGAIN...apparently airplanes and I don't go well together-gether. There was a weather issue...and my first flight got I missed my connecting flight so I'm stuck in a hotel overnight...

So here WAS the plan. I fly from Oklahoma City Airport to Memphis to Grand Rapids (where Dave and Tabby's college is)...David picks me up...I spend the night in Tabby's room...and the next day David, his friend and I go to Chicago. Comprehandeh?

But here was what happened: I arrived at Oklahoma City airport at 2:00 pm...and was supposed to fly off at 4:00 pm...but the flight got delayed until 9:30 pm...and to cut the long story short, I'm not stopping by Grand Rapids...but going straight to Chicago.

And because I refuse to be a is the bright side of things...

  1. Abby, my College mate, happened to be on the same flight as me. Which makes things a whole lot better.

  2. We got free food vouchers, and that hot, freshly made burrito was pretty awesome.

  3. I got put up in a hotel room for free...because I am classified as a "Distressed Passenger". And so I get to take a shower (WHEW!!!) and catch 3 hours of sleep...Oh, you know what? I got the last room. The hotel is booked full.

Ahh...but then siewpau couldn't go through all this without a blunder now, could she? She tried to use her room key-card at room 225 instead of 223...luckily for me, whoever was in that room didn't investigate the noises coming from the door...

Okay, people, pray that nothing happens to my flight tomorrow morning.

Pray hard.

I think I'm bad luck. =P

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Michigan, here I come.

Tommorow, I fly to Michigan to see THAT GUY IN RED for Christmas break.

Back in the days when I was like 10 pounds lighter *insert funny face*, this self proclaimed hero tried to carry me home. And I know I look as though I was crying/constipated/going into labor...but I wasn't okay? I was hanging on for dear life.

But either because I was too heavy, or too wriggly, I was dumped. DUMPED, I tell you.

I think I found it funny.

David kor kor, tomorrow at the airport, you are banned from trying to sweep me off my feet. Because I won't be swept off my feet.

Tabby, go find some handcuffs just in case. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I got my first paycheck today...actually, no, the dough was automatically sent to my bank imagine the shock/deelight when I saw my balance jump from a $19.32 to a $75.32...For the first time in my life, the mooola actually increased instead of decreased...which was a nice change.

If you want to know how much my first paycheck the math yourself. And the best part is, I'm not taxable until next year. *grins*
And no, I'm not going on a shopping spree...My mum is called the 20 cent woman, so I guess that since I got half her genes, I would be a 10 cent girl...?
On another note, tithing should be a lot more interesting now that I am actually earning my own money instead of parasiting off dad...Oh, dad, I AM still parasiting off you...just not 100%. Okay?

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Indecisiveness is a bad thing. It causes me to stare at the menu for eons before I can decide what to causes me to spend hours in the causes me to walk into the mall with a full purse and walk out with a full causes me to appear reluctant to do anything...

Yes. Indecisiveness is a bad thing.

Especially when it is 20*C when you walk into a restaurant. And then you walk out, and it is 5*C.

Mr. Weather, make up your mind.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Oh well...

Suitemate accidentally left the door to my bathroom locked (from the inside)...and went out. *sigh*

Hopefully she comes back soon so I can wash my hair and let it dry properly so I don't look like a Siao Poh tmr in church. My hair has issues, people. I think it has pms or something.

Oh well, it doesn't matter. As long as she comes back before I "kup liew" that would be BAD...*hides*

Friday, December 12, 2008


Ahhh...I just had my last class for the semester...and what a lovely feeling it is. *beams*

Next week is Finals Week...and I'm supposed to be stressed, but as usual, I'm not. I don't have the capability to get stressed, apparently. I think all the stress genes went to my bladdah. That is, brother, not bladder. I don't pee my stress away.


Soooo, what do I think of this semester's classes?

Principles of Chemistry
Basically, if you survived WMS Chemistry, you'll do OK in this class. Mdm. Norhayati has "prepared the way" too well. Too well.

Composition 1
4 essays in 4 months. Meh. Me no like to write essays...because I'm lazy to think...and my kiasu-ness requires me to think...But it IS a good class to take, considering I'm not allowed to ctrl-C, ctrl-V from wikipedia...or any other source, for that matter.

Introduction to Psychology
It started off to be an okay-okay class...but ended off pretty cool. The chapter of Mental, Personality and Psychological Disorders was kinda fun. You can't imagine how many disorders I have "diagnosed" myself with. Heehee. I'm a mental case.

Public Speaking
I pretty much enjoyed this class. All I had to do was come to class, sit down, and stare at whoever was up there. Once in a while, I'd get up, blab a little, get stared at, sit down and continue staring at whoever was up there.

Orientation to Biology
Blah. An 8 am class. No comments.

Weight Training
No, I did not sign up for this class willingly. I mean like, which girl wants to be buff? But it turns out that this was a pretty relaxing class. All I had to do is show up, pump some muscle and run back to my room to continue sleeping. However, I'm not too pleased with the bulge that has appeared on my neck from shoulder shrugs...but rest assured, it will disappear by the time I come back next year.

And thats my lab manual, random notes, note book, psychology textbook, file with more notes, chemistry textbook, public speaking textbook and composition 1 textbook. And if you see any bits of paper sticking out of my textbooks, those are even more notes...*blushes*

Yeah, I've basically snoozed this first semester away. But next semester promises to be WAY harder. I'm not going to think about it...But anyways, all I have to do with the rest of my life (until Christmas Break) is finals and work. Which reminds me, I have to go to work. Now. *scampers off*

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I 'appieeee!!!

No, I'm not getting married. But thanks for asking.
I don't often blog about stuff like this...but something made my day yesterday which made me weally weally 'appieeee!!!
I baby talk when I'm 'appieeee, if you haven't noticed.
So my last assignment for English Composition 1 was to deliver an oral presentation based on the Argumentative Essay paper I wrote a while back. After a whole semester of public speaking classes this shouldn't be too big a deal...but I always get slightly jittery in front of a new audience...just because I do.
Anyways *fast forward*, I do my thing and trot back to my seat. My prof leans over, shows me the grade sheet, points at my marks and whispers, "Never before. Never."
I admit, that felt good.
But as always, I give all glory back to The One whom I do this for. Thanks, I 'appieeee!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It's snowing. And I am not excited. Read my lips. NOT EXCITED.
Why? Oh...maybe because its freaking cold outside...maybe because the wind is blowing at 43 km/h...making it more like -10*C instead of -2*C...maybe because the wind in your face makes you have to fight for Every. Step. You. Take. For. Ward. Oh the agony!
Back when I was 10 years old, with a much more substantial layer of insulation...ahem!, I thought snow and cold were great fun...It almost became a game to see how many layers of clothes I could do without...Now its a battle between Sense and see if I should wear 6 layers of clothes and be snug...or to try to make do with 3 layers in the attempt not to look like a poor frozen child from the equator. Oh wait, I am a poor frozen child from the equator.
Anyways, you guys might want to know that whats coming down from the sky is more like a flurry/sleet/snow thingimehbub...and that there's only a sprinkling of snow on the ground. Something like a cake with a economical layer of powdered sugar to top it. Its nothing like what Tabby (my fellow Malaysian in America) has been getting. There IS some comfort in that.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


A few weeks ago, I blogged about Roommate who was going to save the world from global warming. I think that she has found a higher calling...because...

...I just witnessed...from the vantage point of my bed...
  1. Roomie going in the bathroom for a shower.
  2. Roommate going in the bathroom to...uh...use it...
  3. Roommate turning the lights off.
  4. Roomie screaming.
  5. Roommate GASPING.
  6. Roommate appologizing.
  7. Roommate laughing.

I laughed too. Just because it wasn't me in the shower. I'm evil. *sigh*

me? us? you? you guys?

Since leaving home, I've been getting my fair share of "Do you miss me?" and "Got think of us or not?" I've also had to choose between saying "I miss you" and "I miss you guys" or "I love you" and "I love you all".

It's so much easier to say "I miss you guys" than to say "I miss you"...and I feel lots more comfortable saying "I love you all" than saying "I love you" makes things less personal...I'm not the most expressive person in the world...sue me. *pouts*

I'm still pouting.

Sue me. *pouts again*

That's just me. Cow = Expressionless. Anyways, my point Galatians 2:20, Paul writes, "I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Not 'us', but 'me'. God doesn't love us. God loves me Me ME. And you You YOU too. =)

Guys, go tell another guy friend "I love you". (Don't cheat and go, "Dude, Iloveyou man.") Girls, sit back, enjoy, and watch the show. =P Hard? Yeah, I know. Trust me, I know. But isn't it amazing that someone up there wasn't afraid to say it all? To do it all?
So Jesus, iloveyou.



Saturday, December 6, 2008

A night out...

So one of the things I've learnt to make myself do here is to GO and make friends of all nations. Back home I didn't have to try too hard, friends kind of just fell from the sky...but here is a whole different ball game...and last night was one of those nights where I had to choose between making myself go out and be sociable and spending a few sweet, antisocial, introverted hours to myself...

I chose to be sociable. And I had fun. I would have had fun just lazing around too, but I'm glad I made myself go do something exciting for a change.
So we went to some underground art museum which had some pretty interesting pictures...

...but beyond that...*yawn*...

Then we went ice skating. It was a tiny rink about 1/6 of the size of the rink at Sunway Pyramid...and there where about a million people swarming around...but it was fun...NO *glares at some people*, I did not fall down...I used to be a little roller blading terror...and after a few rounds of bumbling around, I managed to look decently decent at it. =)

About halfway through, I decided to do my psychology homework:
Social norms are the invisible glue that keeps societies together. Social norms tend to be implicit rules for social behavior. Norms are really noticed when they have been violated. For this application exercise, you will be breaking a social norm rule. You should not do anything illegal, unethical, dangerous for self or others, or be obnoxious.
So everyone was skating in an anti-clockwise direction...and yours truly broke a social norm by skating clockwise! I tell you, I felt weird doing it. Like really Really REALLY weird...I kept on apologizing while trying to avoid crashing into random strangers. Halfway, I had a girl scream at me: "Hey! You are going the wrong way!!!!" I nearly died laughing. *hides* I'm not sure if my little experiment was dangerous for self or others...but I certainly felt obnoxious.
The temperature was at freezing yesterday...and the wind chill made it feel even colder...BUT I was bundled up pretty I was pretty OK for the most part...except for my pore pore nose and face...notice how rosy our cheeks got...

That's my suite mate, btw...we share a bathroom...and contribute to the hair in the hair trap.

After that we went to some body's apartment and decorated gingerbread houses...they decorated...I was too zonked to do anything but watch...It was nothing compared to the one mum made donkey years ago. But great fun to watch anyhow.

And probably the most memorable part of my night out was when this guy took out a bible and read the Christmas story. Not many teenagers/young adults would have the guts to do that...and at first I was like, "Dude, this guy is intense." But as he kept reading, I became more and more humbled by the fact that he dared to do something that violated social norms...

Yeah. I'm glad I decided to be sociable...even though I got back at like 2:00 am...even though I was frozen through (it got colder when we stopped moving)...even though my brain was shutting down...and even though I was drained from being around people since 8 am in the morning. Oh well, I am compensating for it by holing up in my room for the whole of today..

Can you find me? Hint: I'm the only one with black hair.

16 random facts...

Duck tagged me again...oh random facts of Tan Soon Yong, Caryn

  1. I am 170 cm or 5"6. (in height...not length) Taller if I stand straight...shorter if I over-hunch.
  2. I was a premature baby. But somehow grew to be a giant of a human (in relative terms).
  3. My left pinky is 1 cm longer than my right pinky. No, seriously.
  4. My dad spoils me. He only offers to wash the dishes when its MY turn to do the dishes.
  5. I have wide feet and short toes. So it looks as though I have small feet...but not really...
  6. I'm kiasu when it comes studies. I overstudy. =(
  7. I have the exact replica of my grandma's hands. Long fat fingers...
  8. I am supressed, according to my 2006 CF president.
  9. I have bouts of clumsiness, lasting about 2 months at a time. In between, I'm more or less normal. (I think)
  10. I've had a pet fish named brownie (just because dave's one was named goldie), a million nameless guppies, 3 rabbits named silky, scatter and scruffy, 2 ants named Anty 1 and Anty 2, a cricket named Crickey and a mouse named Rat.
  11. I was proposed to by a 4 year old boy. o.O
  12. I have a weakness for indian breads. *drool*
  13. I don't move when I sleep. (apparently)
  14. I don't like cold. I hate cold. I get cold easily. Cold is bad. Don't be friends with cold.
  15. I take at least a 30 minute long hot shower everyday. And come out looking like a lobster.
  16. I'm not homesick...but I miss home.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cows have horns.

They do.
Don't argue with me. I should know. *pouts*

So I was at usual...and...I ended up doodling a cow...and Boss goes: "Cows don't have horns!" And I go: "Yes they do!!" This sparked a debate whether or not they really do have horns...and Boss has come to the conclusion that only Malaysian cows have horns...despite wikipedia proving I'm on a mission to educate the world...that COWS DO HAVE HORNS!!!

I'm amused.

But then again, I'm easily amused.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I slept at 4 am yesterday because of this:

Not really...I slept at 4 am because I was writing my essay/paper...but if it wasn't for the spirit of Christmas, I would have slept at 3 am. A WHOLE HOUR EARLIER!!! *gasps!*
I blame Roomie for decorating our door:

She made me get I made the tag for my stocking...
...then my creative juices got so pumped up I made a toilet paper holder for our toilet, our toilet paper holder has been M.I.A. for over 3 months...
I would like to thank the First Commercial Bank for making pens that fit our toilet paper our toilet paper won't have to sit on the floor. Gross.
Anyways, I was so VERY excited and the creative juices were throbbing in my I decorated my bulletin board...and this is the final product:
" Jesus is the reason we celebrate this season!!" Tacky, I know. But it's true.
Anyways, last night I was up writing my paper which I had planned to write over thanksgiving break...but last minute I got invited to go home with my friend...and I didn't get a chance to do my I ended up burning midnight oil...had to get up early to work I downed like 3 cups of drugs...just so I'd function semi-normally...=P
Yeah...anyways...more pictures from thanksgiving break:
It's kinda moody...but it like the way the tree branches frame the sky...
And then...there's me...I told you I'm a big fat kid pretending to be all studious and proper...