Saturday, January 30, 2010


*Disclaimer! I do not have frostbite!*

I would, however, like to bite the frost. Crazy winter came back after a good 2 weeks of nice-ish weather with an ice storm followed by snow. And school got canceled. Again. And I went sledding. Again. And I froze my fingers clean off. As usual. They are freezing even right now.

But yes, back to the ice storm. Thursday, it started sleeting or raining ice. So the uni sent out an email saying that classes after 12 noon were canceled. I had an 11am class. Donkey! I missed it by an hour! And like a donkey, I went to class. Along with 5 other clueless/kiasu donkeys. The other 20 odd classmate who stayed in their nice warm rooms were...not so donkey.

So yes, I've been playing the whole weekend. Lots of board games and movies. I even ventured out into the horrid unknown to go sledding. I nearly died. But there's nothing a cup of hot chocolate cannot cure.

There are few things a cup of hot chocolate cannot cure. Unless it is being forced to do laundry in this horrid weather because you ran out of underwear. Ooops.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Old Maid

If I die an old maid, it won't be because of the lack of chances. In fact, I can boast of a proposal waaay before any of my peers. And the dude was as cute as you could ask for - blond hair, blue eyes and charming to boot. Too bad he was 5 years old, and I, 12.

Little boys like me. I guess its my overwhelming compliance with being whoever they want me to be. A hunter? Sure, gimme a gun and I'll kill imaginary kangaroos from Ozdalia. A t-rex? I'll roar for you dah-ling.

I just spent the afternoon playing with a 3 year old boy, and I feel like a kid again. A kid with a backache from crawling under beds and hiding in "too tight for 19 year old giants" corners - but a kid nonetheless. So go forth and discover your inner child. Your back will hate you, but it'll be fun.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What happened last friday...

So on Friday, after the whole go to class/work thing was done with, this happened:

Yes ma'am, it's the 16-shot function on my camera at work again. My friend and I tried to do the lala pose thing...obviously, I can't count. What am I doing in uni?!?! I need to go back to kindergarten.

1. Smile, relax, ONE.
2. Still at ONE?
3. Oh yeah, change to TWO.
4. TWO and a HALF/THREE?
5. Finally, THREE!
6. FOUR times two equals eight, dong dong.
7. What the? TEN?
8. HEE HEE, she messed up. She does the chicken dance.
9. She laughs at herself.
10. HELP, she's in spasms.
11. ...frothing at the mouth...
12. ...stretch?
13. She hides.
14. I lift up my eyes to the hills- Where does my help come from?
15. *GASPS*
16. *DIES*

And after I was exercising my abs, I went to tag some people with lasers! And I found out I wasn't half bad at it. I got third (from behind!!!) place. Not bad huh? Lol!! *koff koff*

But yes, laser tag was a blast. Put it on the list of "things you need to do before you die". Basically, you run around in the dark shooting people and getting shot at. When you get shot at, you die for 5 seconds where you can't shoot or get shot at. And as you can see from my ranking, I am very good at getting shot at. =)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm coming home

Look for me on Saturday, 8th of May 2010 at 12:30pm. Coz I'm coming home. =)

So I just bought my plane ticket today, after calling up my bank like3gazilliontimestoraisemylimitonmydebitcard, and freakingoutcoztheroutethati'dplannedtotakewassoldout, so Iwenttoanotherwebsiteandfoundacheaperroute, which intheendworkedoutjustaswellcozi'msuperextreamlypoorrightnow.

Really, I'm not so patiently waiting for the 31st of this month when I get my paycheck from work and from ebay (sold my old textbooks!!). Until then, I'll settle for feeling like the poor college kid I am.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lets talk weather.

Weather in Oklahoma is soooo pms. Last winter, somewhere in February, there was a warm spell, and I figured winter was over for good. So I washed up all my winter clothes and packed em up nice and neat. Then the ice storm hit. And I cried.

This time around, there has been 3 days of nice yummy weather, a welcome break from the evil cold that gave me snotcicles. And then today, it decided to rain - complete with thunder, lightning and hail stones. Well, the hail stones haven't struck yet, but they are supposed to.

I betcha tomorrow's gonna be sad again. I think I'm gonna cry.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The fourth first week...

I've hit my fourth semester, and have long gotten past the "first week freakout" stage. Yes, getting the syllabus, facing a classroom of strangers and figuring out my schedule can be horrible if you don't remember to forget the fact that all the exams, assignments and presentations will take care of themselves when they come around.

As usual, I made myself a timetable so I won't be a klutz and go to the right class at the wrong time or some idiotic notion like that.

As you can see, I have two 3 hour long night classes, which is awesome because I can get them over with sekali-gus. On the other hand, 3 hours of class after a long day of class and work isn't my idea of fun.

I'd be worried for ME if I found it fun.

Monday, January 11, 2010

On your marks, get set...


*commentator voice over*

Spring semester 2010 has began and the athletes are off sprinting down the track at a blazing speed in the front we see last semester's champion with a 2 meter lead but close behind we see a new comer hot on his heels no wait he is gaining on him he has caught up with him and he's in front what a start to the new semester oh wait someone in the race has stumbled no he's up again and we move back to the front competitors...

...wait? Who's that stumbling into the stadium? Looks like a Chinese lady with her hair standing on end. Must be bed hair. My goodness, she looks like she needs a drink of coffee laced with some *ahheeem*.

Someone, get that lady a cuppa joe before she collapses on the track!

*commentator voice over ends*

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It is not recommended that...

It is not recommended that... step on a sheet of ice to avoid treading on mud. Chances are that the ice will shatter under your weight and you will plunge into a pool of liquid mud-slush. Removing your foot from the brown goo immediately is a must - unless you wish to marinate it in the cold icky unknown.

So go forth and avoid pud-muddles.

Thank you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back to work.

On Monday, I dragged my lazy Christmas/New Year fed butt back to work. I ran to 4 shops to buy 4 envelopes to ship 4 textbooks to 4 different people. I wrote 4 address on the 4 envelopes to (hopefully the right) 4 people. Then I went back to work.

On Tuesday, my alarm went off at 8. I texted my boss to say I'd be an hour late. I went back to bed. My alarm went off at 9. I went to the toilet and instantanously lost 3 pounds, crawled back to bed and texted my boss to say I won't be in till after lunch (maybe). I didn't go back to work. And it was AWESOME.

On Wednesday, I'm back to work. Maybe I should call in sick again. That sounds mighty tempting.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 in pictures...

I stole this idea from someone's blog. I ain't that original. I am pirated. I am a pirate! Arrrr!!! (Heh, joke reference to Stardust, the movie. *squeeeaal*)

So in January, I was busy freezing my butt off. We had an ice storm, and school shut down for 3 days.
In February, Daddy came to visit me.

In March, it finally got warmer. And I realised how much I love hot humid weather.
In April, I found out I wasn't doing all too badly in my studies.
In May, I said gbye to some pretty awesome roommates...
And hung out with some of my girls, before...
...coming back to Malaysia. Met up with the WMS CFers...
(I think this is June)...hung out with the MCKLers...
(Somewhere in July)...Mummels and Daddles. (Don't ask, I totally just made that up.)
...became Siewpau, like every Sunday...
...more MCKLers...
In August we sent David off to become a Dr.
And I started saying my gbyes...
And flew back to Oklahoma.
In September I took no pictures. Lol.

In October, I turned 19, and the Malaysians met up!! There isn't a connection there, btw. =)
and I spent 2 weeks going nuts putting together a presentation for English Lit.
In November, we celebrated Thanksgiving.
And I got my Drivers Permit.
In December, I celebrated Christmas with my buddies... girls...
...and my brother.
There. I'm done. Thank goodness. =)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have nothing to say about the new year, except that it has been awesome sleeping for over 10 hours everyday and Happy New Year!