Monday, March 30, 2009

Fall 2009

Today we had advising for next semester's classes...which is AFTER I come back home and go back to school again in September. And so here's my schedule (as of now). Things may very well change between now and then.

Human Anatomy & Physiology 2
More anatomy. Yay. Tests every 2 weeks. Double yay.
Statistics for Behavio(u)ral Sciences
I've always kinda liked stats. And this is statistics for psychology or something like that.
Western Literature: Neoclassical through Modern Period
What's neoclassical?!?!?!?! Neo = new right? My latin stinks. Or is it greek? Or french? Or chinese?
Survey of the American Mind
One of the compulsory subjects that I have to take is American History, and this is American History for international students. I'm taking it because I know squat about Amerika Syarikat's Sejarah.
Introduction to Sociology
As you may (or may not) have noticed, this is not on my timetable. I'm taking an online course for this coz I heard that going to class is a waste of time. Besides, that way, I can have something of a life.
So far, 20 hours a week hasn't killed me. We'll see what happens next semester.
I dunno if you've noticed, but I have this weird obsession with planning my life waaaaay ahead of time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Churchy stuff...

I attended a Methodist Chinese Church during my first semester of school here...and spoke more Chinese there since I left SRJK (C) Yuk Choy at the not so tender age of 10...discounting 2 stints at an Old Folks Home and a Strokees Rehab Center. I learnt that I can speak Chinese - just gimme 10 minutes to warm up and I'm good to go. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe.

But this semester, I felt that I needed to find a church close enough that I could be involved in (without having to hitch hike), and I've been attending a Baptist Church down the road. I kinda did the Sunday thing for a while: sit at the back church and disappear after the service, but today I walked into a bible study class, unaccompanied. Another first for me. Hey, I'm no longer the Preacher's Kid *freedom dance* - getting sucked into every known church programme under the sun (and then some).

And then there was Holy Communion today. I tell ya, after 18 years of hearing dad conduct HC - with the exact same intonation, the exact same tempo, and the exact same liturgy, attending HC at a baptist church was...weird. Hah. Poor confused me had to sneak peeks at people around me to make sure I knew what to do. Do I pop the bread in my mouth? Or hold it? Hey, that guy drank the juice. Should I drink the juice? Wait, no one else is drinking the juice. K, what do I do with the cup now? Oh, HC is over? That was kinda fast.

So that's my update on churchy stuff...peace out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I've been waiting for this...

When I first came, it was the end of summer.

Then everything turned purty and gold. (and cold!)
Then the trees went BOTAK.

And I've been waiting for this...
Ironically, it's gonna snow tonight. *cries*

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Of Alarms and Mice

...and today, I tried to use my phone as my mouse.

I need more sleep.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Of Mice and Alarms.

Ever since that fateful day when I slept through my 9 am class...I've been using 2 alarms: my clock and my phone. So if one fails, the other will save me. And if the other fails, I'll have to change my blog to "I am pig, hear me oink..."

So this morning, my clock went off...and I smashed it to smithereens. Then 5 minutes later, my phone went off...and I grabbed it, and repeatedly pressed the snooze button.

The dungu alarm still wouldn't go off.

And there was this annoying clicking, click, I peaked one eye open...and there I was, holding my laptop mouse, clicking away.
No wonder the dungu alarm wouldn't go off.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break: An Evaluation

I wasn't looking forward to Spring Break with a whole bunch of enthusiasm...maybe it was because everyone was going home...and I was not...I mean, I was looking forward to a break, but one whole week seemed a tad bit too long.
But today, one of my international friends summed up what I felt about spring break: I like doing boring things.
I like the everyday mundaneness of waking up, grabbing breakfast, going to work, preparing lunch, going back to work, going to the gym, taking an (extra) long shower, preparing dinner, and bumming for the rest of the night.
Sure, work over spring break has been a long drawn process. I've "ghosted" 5 computers, installed about a million updates on them and hauled them from goodness knows what building back to my office.
Sure, I spent 2 hours squirting windex and wiping it off from every single computer screen in every single classroom on this campus.
Sure, chopping up veggies on a teeny chopping board and handling raw meat in a teeny little dorm room is like trying to fit an elephant in a fridge. (Ref: Elephant Joke. Har har?)
Sure, spending 1-2 hours in the gym (almost) everyday can turn you into a stink bomb.
...but I sure wish I didn't have to go back to class tommorow.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Veggie tales...

Before Spring Break started, I've had at least 10 people ask me, "But...but...the cafeteria is closed...What ARE you going to eat over spring break?!?!" And then their faces melt in though I was going to starve to death.

I'm not a helpless, headless chicken here's my answer:

3 (small) heads of lettuce, 2 pounds of carrots, 1 sleeve of celery, 1 tub of mushrooms, 5 roma tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 packet of chicken, 1 tub of plain yogurt and other random thingies later....

I turned into a cow over spring break. *crunch, crunch, crunch*

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I've finally changed my Christmas board...after like 3 months. Woohoo. I'm a procrastinator!!

I was lazy to whip out my I used my webbie instead. So please excuse the fuzziness. And the laziness. And the uneven purple (I know purple and brown don't go...but I was out of colours) border. And the lack of creativity of my board. I'll think of something...later. *more procrastination*

Talking about procrastination, I think it's time I started writing my paper(s). Sigh. So much for Spring Break.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Perfect day for a picnic.

Today I spent two hours introducing my winter-white legs to the sun. They became good friends.

-over and out-

Sunday, March 15, 2009

All gone!!

Roomie left today...and I'm home alone. =(

And I'll be home alone for the remainder of spring break. Thank goodness I'm not the type to be spooked out by ghosties, or I'd spook myself to death in this huge empty dorm. Heehee.

Well at least I can sing at the top of my lungs and no one will care. I mean, there will be no one to care.

So this is what I'll be doing for spring break:
  1. Sleep.
  2. Sleep.
  3. Write my papers and read up for classes.
  4. Go to work.
  5. Make friends with the microwave and toaster oven in the lobby. That is, scavange for my own meals. I hijacked Roommate's fridge for this purpose.
  6. Return to the gym. I traded the Cross Trainer for books during midterms. I'm a nerd, there is no denying that.
  7. Take extra long showers - because I don't have to share the bathroom with anybody. Wheeee.
  8. Think.
  9. Disinfect and clean my room/bathroom - because deep deep deep inside, I like living in sanitary conditions. I just deny the fact most of the time.
  10. Oh yeah, sleep somemore.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Deja Vu

Today was a repeat of that day.

Except this time is Spring Break instead of Fall Break. Except this time I missed the bus and had to wait 40 minutes for the next bus. Except this time I nearly died hauling my 10 grocery bags of loot back. Except this time I ran into a bunch of kind samaritans (with a car) who saved me 7 minutes of walking.

Besides that, today was a repeat of that day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm dreaming of a white easter...not really.

It doesn't snow all winter...except for a ice storm that shut school down for 2 days...then come March, the week before Spring break, 2 weeks after the purty baby-green leaves have started to sprout, IT SNOWS.
I'm confused laaa.
And now I've to wash my winter coat again.
*eyes brim over with tears*

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aiyo...this has gotta stop.

We are still on the series of The Dingdongness of the Cow.
So this time, I overslept and missed my first class of the semester. Funny thing was, I went to bed before 11pm last night and didn't get up till 9:30 am. I am an amazing sleeper.
Well, if that 10 1/2 hours of sleep didn't get rid of that pending flu bug that is threatening to explode in my nasal cavities, I don't know what will. Don't worry mum, I'm pouring vitamin C down my throat as though I am a sailor bailing out water on a sinking ship.
. though I am a sailor bailing out water on a sinking ship...
I have weird analogies.
uh...whatever. Moving on!
Before I get any blurer and forget to wish Hannah "Happy Birthday!"...
Hannah Ong, Happy 21st Birthday. You are amazing.

Hannah, I drew this when I was stuck in Memphis for 24 hours. Consider that your birthday pressent!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The poor unfortunate finger.

Today, I dissected a cat.

Ewww. Sorry la, but it's part of my course work. After convincing myself that that lump of matted fur was actually a chicken in disguise, I went to work. *snip snip snip*

I got carried away and snipped a hole in my latex glove where my finger was...and the lovely formaldehyde/cat juice flowed in. Ewww.

Now my left index finger smells like cat juice. Incidentally, it's the same finger that got stuck to my right hand with glue. The poor unfortunate finger.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Once it starts...

Once it won't go away.

My Blur-Streak has started again. After two months of normalness, I'm back to being clumsy, forgetful, blur and cowlike. Here's what happened:

Yesterday was daylight savings, that means we turn our clocks one hour ahead (losing one hour), so that we get more daylight time. Make sense? Anyways, I forgot. I knew about it, but I forgot.

So I set my handphone alarm for 8:30 am. It rings, I snooze, snooze, snooze until 9:00 am. Then I wake up, wash up, and get some studying done. At 10:30 am, I grab my handbag and start walking to church. On my way out of the dorm, I meet a bunch of girls who remind me it's daylight savings.

Oh dieeee...I forgot to set my clocks forward. I'm late for church.

So I run back up, ask God to please excuse my dingdongness (after all, that's how He made me right? =P), and change out of my clothes. 10 minutes later, it hits me...Wait, doesn't my phone automatically set itself forward?

I feel my IQ level drop.



Yeah, I wasn't late for church, but now I am. So I change back into my clothes and getready to go to church. AGAIN.

God, please excuse my dingdongness. After all, that's how You made me right?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mr. Creep (1) Reloaded

I saw HIM again.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. .

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. .


So its Saturday and I'm out running errands yes? And I see this man in a car drive past me. And I'm like, Eeeeeeee, it's HIM. Why is it HIM? HE is creepy, creepy is HE. I no likey creepy, I no likey HE. Then I realise I'm being paranoid. I mean there are a ton of short, bald, and pot bellied guys in OKC...

So I calm down, and continue going wherever I was going. And I've to pass by this parking lot (don't worry, it's open-aired and very busy), and I see HIM again. The Creep is sitting in his car, waiting for me. And the moment I walk by, The Creep gets out of his car and has the audacity to say "Hi!"

I walked on.

I snubbed him.

I snubbed him good.
But apparently, not good enough. Because when I entered the store which was another 5 minute walk away, I saw The Creep there again. I was like ready to call security and all...and The Creep tried to talk to me. I stared at HIM. The more he talked, the more I stared. And I tell you, I CAN STARE. I'm my mother's daughter, I CAN STARE.

In the end, HE gives up.

I win.

Friday, March 6, 2009

"Go ahead, laugh at me..."

I've been due for another "Klumsy episode" for some time now. It happened today. So sit back, relax, and go ahead and laugh at me.
So I'm sitting on this counter/table-thing very busy being bored.
And bored people start playing with things right? Especially itchy fingered people like me. I pick up this bottle of glue and I'm like, "hey cool, GLUE!"
So I put a dot of glue on the back of my hand. Don't ask me what for. I am cow, I do dumb things.Then, I start reading the warning label.
"Adheres to skin." *jaw drops*
Oh. Ooops, I think I'll try to rub it off. So here's what happened. I take my index finger, and try to rub the glue off, and my left index finger gets stuck to the back of my right hand.

I mean like really stuck.

I'm not joking here.


Sure, I eventually divorced my left hand from my right hand. But I tell ya, I had a few moments of cardiac unrest.
I am cow. I do dumb things. Go ahead and laugh at me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Holy Cow!

Holy cow!! Today I woke up...and I was like...oh my cow, I'm actually awake. I should sleep at 11pm more often. Don't you think so?
So last night, I was trying to think of a topic to write my essay on...but for the life of me, I couldn't come up with one. So I decided to sleep on it. I just ended up sleeping.
But hey, I got 9 hours of sleep. I'm not complaining.
While I try to wake up greeting God with a good morning and a 'please guide my day' prayer, I usually end up waking up to "I hate you, alarm clock" or "Why do I take morning classes?" or "*Groannnnn*, it's too cold to get out of bed" or just *groannnn*. Whatabout u? What are your first thoughts of the day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My 37 Ringgit Bagel

Today, I ate a 37 Ringgit bagel for dinner.
I blame the dungu "meal plan" system that I can't get out of. I blame the unappetizing food that was served at the caf. I blame my stomach for not feeling hungry. I blame the dollar-ringgit conversion rate.

I hereby stop blaming random people/things for making me eat that 37 Ringgit bagel for dinner today. Ooops, does that mean I blame myself?