Friday, February 25, 2011

Muffin Madness

It started out as this...
Progressed to this...

And then BOOM! This happened...

Here's the story...
I've been fundraising for cancer research. And since I hate asking people outright for money, I sent the word out that I will bake/cook (and heck even clean your toilet) for a couple bucks. Now I'd ask ya'll to donate, but since 90% of you guys live in a place where American Dollars do not exist, I figure that would be pointless. But if you have a rich sugar daddy somewhere on this side of the earth who wants to help this poor little college kid out, go to my webpage and DONATE!
So 5 rounds of measuring, mixing, portioning, opening the oven, closing the oven, cooling and packing later...
I figure I won't be making another muffin for a very very long time. That is, unless you tempt me with a huge donation.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day(s)

So I skipped the entire month of January and now my "Ancient Manuscripts" will forever have a month missing in the year 2011. *wipes a fake tear from cheek*

There really hasn't been much to blog about that I haven't blogged about before. School, work, school, work, school, work. Same boring stuff, nothing much new. Except for the past week, I have had neither school nor work...because this happened:

Now I stole this picture from a friend because "baby, its cold outside" and "baby, I refuse to stand out in the awful weather to take a picture from my balcony of the awful remnants of the awful blizzard that struck 1/3 of the US of A."

Now try to put that to song.

So I've spent the past 2 days hibernating in my apartment alternating between pretending to study and not pretending to study. Either way, I didn't get smelly brown matter done.

Tonight, I finally stepped outside into the outerworld and took a joy ride down the main street, helped push a car out of a drift, laughed at several misfortuned cars stuck in the middle of the road and hooted when we ourselves did not get stuck. Snow really makes the world a demented place.

So yes, here's a shoutout to my dear friends in warmer parts of the world - stay warm!