Friday, April 27, 2012

Day X

A long, long, long time ago, I had my first day of clinicals. That day, I touched, prodded and poked my first patient. 500 hours of clincals have passed since that first day, discounting all the hours spent writing care plans, brooding over care plans, screaming at care plans, burning care plans, rewriting care plans, brooding over the rewritten care plans and screaming at the rewritten care plan again.

I kid you not.

Today, I had my last clinical day ever as a nursing student. Supposedly I am ready to go out into the world to poke and prod other patients. But before that, I have to rewrite my lastest care plan, brood over it, scream at it and finally, turn it in...






Sunday, April 22, 2012

Long Live the NOKIA (part 2)

Two years ago, before the horrible phenomena called NURSING SCHOOL and NON-STOP STUDYING occurred, when I was a happy-go-lucky sophomore in college, without a care in the world, and the freedom to party every night if my carefree heart so desired, I dropped my NOKIA (spelled with capitals) into the toilet bowl.

Feel free to click on the link above and read the post. It written when I was a funnier, clumsier person.

Well, that phone survived me another 6 months before the display started to die on me and I inherited another NOKIA (spelled with capitals) to replace the NOKIA that got dropped in the toilet bowl. Well the new NOKIA served me for a good year and a half before I decided to test out its rumored indestructibility. I decided to wash it.

And no. Unlike what some people think, I did not go to my sink and wash it because I thought it was dirty.

What actually happened was that I was doing laundry at midnight (what better time to do laundry), after studying all day at the library...and on my way to the laundry room, I spied my sweater on the couch and  impulsively threw it into the laundry basket. Evidently my brain was not working at that point in time because my NOKIA was in the pocket of that sweater and got thrown into the washer with the rest of my stinky clothes.

That was how it got a bath. And that's how the circuit board got roasted.

So guys, NOKIAs are sturdy phones. They survive toilet bowls, 3 foot drops and being smooshed into 352 pieces. But they don't survive 30 minute hot water spins in washing machines. It just doesn't work that way.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pictures of of me...

Because I feel the need to prove that I do sometimes have a life...