Saturday, January 31, 2009

Someone said...

Someone said I looked like Lucy Liu.

I laughed.

I snorted.

And I snorted again.

I don't think Lucy Liu snorts. Whadayathink?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I wonder why I keep doing these stuff.

The rules:

Bold the statements that are true to you. Italise the statements that you WISH are true. Leave the Fibs alone.

  1. I miss somebody right now. I miss somebodies right now
  2. I dont watch TV these days. Sad huh?
  3. I own lots of books. check this out
  4. I wear glasses or contact lenses.
  5. I love to play video games.
  6. I've tried marijuana.
  7. I have been in a threesome.
  8. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
  9. I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
  10. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. And I wonder why...
  11. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. Does pepper spray count?
  12. I'm totally smart. Shadddup, I'm not okay? And don't roll your eyes at me either.
  13. I've broken someone's bones.
  14. I'm paranoid sometimes.
  15. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
  16. I need money right now.
  17. I love sushi.
  18. I talk really,really fast. *thinks of the Wesley Goes Green speech*
  19. I have long hair.
  20. I have lost money in Las Vegas.
  21. I have at least one sibling. An awesome one who just got accepted into gradschool!! *beams with pride*
  22. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
  23. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
  24. I like the way I look. Well, I don't not like the way I look...
  25. I am usually pessimistic.
  26. I have a lot of mood swings. I have like ONE mood.
  27. I have a hidden talent. Do I? Should I italicise this?
  28. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar i have. I'm never hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
  29. I have a lot of friends. Moderate amount?
  30. I am currently single.
  31. I have pecked someone of the same sex.
  32. I enjoy talking on the phone.
  33. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
  34. I love to shop.
  35. I enjoy window shopping.
  36. If i dont have money to shop I would rather shop then eat.
  37. I don't hate anyone.
  38. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother. My mum reads my blog! "HI MUM!"
  39. I have a cell phone.
  40. I believe in God. Sorry, I had to extra bold that one...
  41. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
  42. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. Apparently I've an obscenely high alcohol tolerance...*shrugs*
  43. I've rejected someone before. errrm...
  44. I have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life. Pa, please close your eyes.
  45. I want to have children in the future. the FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE...
  46. I have changed a diaper before.
  47. I've called the cops on a friend before.
  48. I'm not allergic to anything.
  49. I have a lot to learn.
  50. I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
  51. I am shy around the opposite sex.
  52. I have tried alcohol before.
  53. I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past. Deeeeeesgusting.
  54. I own the "South Park" movie.
  55. I would die for my best friends. I'm working on this...=P
  56. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
  57. I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
  58. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
  59. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
  60. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and i like it.
  61. I have dated a close friends's ex. Refer to #53
  62. I am happy at this moment! It's a snow day. What's not to be happy?
  63. I'm obsessed with guys.
  64. I study for tests most of the time. Kiasu...
  65. I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
  66. I can work on a car.
  67. I love my job. Ok gua...
  68. I am comfortable with who I am right now.
  69. I have more than just my ears pierced.
  70. I walk barefoot wherever i can. =D
  71. I have jumped off a bridge.
  72. I love sea turtles. I love squirt in Finding Nemo.
  73. I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
  74. I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
  75. I'm proficient in a musical instrument.
  76. I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
  77. I hate office jobs.
  78. I love sci-fi movies.
  79. I think water rules.
  80. I went to college out of state. Yeah, and country.
  81. I like sausage.
  82. I love kisses. I'm not so hot for old aunties with lipstick overloads.
  83. I fall for the worst people.
  84. I adore bright colours.
  85. I can't live without black eyeliner.
  86. I don't know why i just did this stupid thing.
  87. I usually like covers better than originals.
  88. I can pick up things with my toes.
  89. I can't whistle.
  90. I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
  91. I have ridden/owned a horse. I still believe that horse was a cow.
  92. I still have every journal I've ever written in. I think so...
  93. I can't stick to a diet.
  94. I talk in my sleep.
  95. I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
  96. Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
  97. I have jazz in my blood.
  98. I wear a toe ring.
  99. I have a tattoo.
  100. I can't stand at LEAST one person that i work with.
  101. I am a caffeine junkie.
  102. I have been to over 15 conventions. My dad's a pastor. I've been to over 1 million conventions.
  103. I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
  104. I'm an artist.
  105. I only clean my room when necessary.
  106. I like a person of the same sex.
  107. I love being happy.
  108. I am an adrenaline junkie.
And I tag no one. Stop sighing with relief. I can hear you.

Of cold fingers, toes and butts...

School's cancelled tommorow as well.

Ice storms are the bomb.

Especially when you get to go sledding.

Note to self: Next time, don't wear low cut jeans. I leave the reason why to your imagination.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For you:


Hey, kidding. That is NOT what happened last night. I just like playing with people's feelings. Sorwee. *repents*

*stops repenting*

This is really what we got:

Eh? Nothing? Weeeell...if you look closely...and compare & contrast it with the before picture:

You can see little ice crystals...yes? no? maybe? Are you still mad at me? =P

But it is slippery OUTside...and I am doing my best to stay INdoors...and since there really isn't much to do...and I have to eat...I got creative. Sue me.

Look at that gorgeous banana-raisin oatmeal I made.

I've too much time.

I should study.

I think I will.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy CNY(2) !!!

Oklahoma City University celebrated Chinese New Year by...

Closing school.

An ice storm is coming.

My Anatomy & Physiology test got cancelled/postphoned. Dang, I shouldn't have studied so hard.

*scratches head and wonders what to do now*

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy CNY!!

I celebrated Chinese New Year by...

Eating an ORANGE!

Oh, the little joys in life.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time to gather me thoughts...

*grabs randomly above my head*

After a week of short and frivolous posts...I guess its time to harness all the thoughts that have been running through my head and stick 'em on this blog. Yes, I do have thoughts running through my head. I'm not the numbskull I sometimes make myself out to be.

But be (very) warned. This is a long and potentially (very) boring post. Are you (very) warned? (very) Good.
Hokey doke...lets start with classes.

Within my first week of classes...I had to write two papers. And knowing me and my brain freezes...they took eons to write. And here is a facebook-account of one of my Intro to Biblical Literature essay.

Basically I had a 12 hour brain freeze over my thesis statement...and each subsequent point took +/- an hour to write...and it ended off with another few hours staring at my concluding paragraphs.

Anyways, that essay was one paper I wanted to research/write properly. I mean, I don't want to meet God one day and He goes, "What was this craB u wrote about ME?" The other paper was on Science and Religion. So that was another paper I couldn't bring myself to "Just cow-poop about." *excuse me, this is a children friendly blog*

But all those hours of writing about where I stand as a Christian and what I believe about the Bible has really made me think think think (I quote Michael William's daughter). =)
And I'm really glad that my proffessor isn't biased one way or another. He gives us the academic world's view and his own personal Christian views. And so I am able to see clearly what (I decide) is the truth.


Then there is work.

It has been a very different semester for me since I started working 17 hours every week. My day starts at 9am and I go on like an energizer bunny till 5pm or 7pm, depending on the day. Then I either do homework and then sleep...or sleep and then do homework.

Yeah, work has taken a large chunk out from my time. But the phrase "You are a student first, only then, a CF committee member" (the phrase that David kor kor drilled into me, and me into my committee's heads - back when I was in WMS) has stuck with me. Only now it is, "You are a student first, then an employee." It has been interesting week of time management, but I'm getting into the swing of it.

That been said, the other day, when I was doing my quiet time...this thought struck me: "I work for God, not for my boss, or my bosses' boss, or my bosses' bosses' boss." And then I remembered Ms Moey's story from one of those Friday evening BK classes:

There was this monk at a monastery whose job was to open the gate whenever the bell rang. Everyday for 50 over years, all he did was to wait for the bell to ring and open the gate. And every time he opened those gates, he would greet the visitor with a huge smile and a warm welcome. One day, a visitor asked him how it was that he managed to do the same thing everyday without getting sick of his job. The monk smiled and replied, "Every time I hear that bell ring, I imagine that it is Jesus I am opening that gate for."

It's funny how those life lessons you learn back in secondary school come back to you.

Wow, it has been an obscenely long post. But there is one more thing about my week...oats.

Oats is cheap and filling. Oats is a good college kid's food. This semester, I bought myself a tin of oats to eat...and I've been making it almost everyday - so I have to blog about it. Anyways, oats isn't as yuck as most people make it out to be. In fact, when you dump cinnamon and raisins in it...or bananas...or coffee...(hey, I'm serious!)...or that left over packet of cocoa mix from last turns out pretty yummy. Try it!

Which reminds me, I need to stock up on food. *runs to the grocery store*

Thursday, January 22, 2009


It was 21*C today.
. to the fishes in the deep blue to you and me...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I am not a nerd...

*closes eyes and chants*

"I am not a nerd.

I am not a nerd.

I am not a nerd..."

I'm going Bananas...

I never really liked bananas...bananas aren't MY dictionary, fruits must contain juice - or else they aren't worth eating...and the day I find a juicy banana is the day that cows make chocolate milk.

But college has changed things.

Let me rephrase that, the college cafeteria has changed things.

Lets just say that my taste buds ain't that picky anymore...and I ate a banana for breakfast. And I ate a banana for lunch (We dissected bananas in Human Anatomy and made banana splits!!). Surprisingly...they were yummy.

And I got 50% of my dietary fiber needs for the day.

Maybe you didn't need to know that.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The black box.

I have a story about a BLACK BOX.
Today I dragged that EVIL THING halfway across campus. But that is not the main reason why we aren't exactly friends. Here is the story:

I was pushing that OVERWEIGHT GIANT out of a building when I came to a closed door. Since my hands were kind of occupied, I pressed the handicap access button so I wouldn't have to do a balancing act with that HORRID OBJECT as well as the door. Well, the door didn't open, and I thought the button was malfunctioning. So I left the DONGDONG behind the door and ran outside to press the button on the other side. The door didn't open again. Sighing, I mentally psyched myself up to maneuver that HELPLESS CUBE out of the building while somehow holding the door open (with my butt???). But upon trying to get back in the building, I found myself locked out. *faints*

So here I am, standing in the freezing cold, locked outside a building with that SMUG MACHINE laughing at me from the inside.

Now you see why we aren't friends?

Well, I took a walk around that building, trying every door until I found one which was unlocked. 10 minutes later, I find myself back at square one, yanking that STUBBORN COW through the door and pushing IT halfway across campus. Did I mention that that TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, VEGETABLE weighs a ton?

Haha. Don't worry, I'm not in a foul mood. I'm very, very amused at my ability to get into scrapes, actually. It reminds me of this episode with roommate and getting locked out. And usually, one of the guys does the heavy hauling while I thank God that I'm a helpless damsel who can't be expected to do "a man's work". Well, I guess I lucked out today...

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Taking into account wind chill and is -15C today...and fyi, that is cold. No, cold is an understatement, it is furrr-ree-zing!!! It doesn't help that work takes me out of doors 50% of the time, walking from building to also doens't help that I have night classes - which mean that I get to run back to my dorm during the coldest part of the also doesn't help that I come from the equator. I love the equator.

I don't know why, but this feels a whole lot colder than it was when I was up in Chicago/Michigan...maybe I'm just not mentally prepared for it...
Anyways, I dunno if you guys noticed, but I get rosy cheeks when its really hot or really cold. And now, is really cold. I feel sorry for those poor frozen people up north.

...because the cold is making me look like a lobster...


...I just haven't posted a picture in a while...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

100th Post

Hah...who would have thought I'd get into the habit of blogging? Anyways, I've made it to my 100th post...and no, mama hasn't let this blog die a lonely and horrible death.
. was a crazy crazy day...
8:00 am - wake up
8:30 am - breakfast
9:00 am - work
12:00 pm - break/pay fees/run errands
1:00 pm - work
4:00 pm - class
5:30 pm - dinner
6:00 pm - class
7:00 pm - library
7:30 pm - go "home"
I guess it isn't such a hectic schedule...but work today was busier than's the begining of the semester and there is lots to do...people have been ringing up the office with problems, and I've been answering the phone all day with "This is Campus Technology, how may I help you?"...I think I've done that like 20 time just today. And now every time a hear a phone ring, I've the urge to pick up the phone, and go "This is Campus Technology, how may I help you?" Actually I nearly did once, but I caught myself in time...or else...*turns red*
Of course it didn't help that I had to go walking from one end of the campus to the other trying to locate my class...I was given the wrong location...It wasn't my fault...I know you don't believe me, but really, it wasn't my fault!! =P
Oh well...I'm sure I'll get used to this new time God's grace and

Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to school...

Today was the start of a new semester...and after bumming (so, so badly) for so, so long, I was more than ready to get back to being productive...

So I woke up...went to my first class...went to my second class...walked to the bank...went to my third class...went to work...grabbed dinner...and CRASHed.

First/Second Class: Nothing interesting to report here...

Bank: I withdrew funds from my fixed deposit and made an interest of 1%...=) I felt kind of sad to close that account...must be a woman-thing to hate putting an end things...but what to do? I need to pay my fees!!!

Third Class: The prof I was supposed to get - I quote - "hasn't made contact with the university". I find that hilarious, don't u? Anyways, the replacement prof we are getting was the one I wanted in the first i'm excited!!

Work: I went on my first independant classroom call today...and didn't have a clue about what I was doing...but I DID know how to do the "we will have it fixed by your next class *spazz smile*" thing ...haha...I got a feeling I may get very good at doing, I will get the hang of this job...

After work I grabbed dinner...and the next thing I knew, I had CRASHED my bed for 3 hours. What a nap. o.O It's only an hour later...and I think I need another nap.

Maybe I was too productive today...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back "home"

Well, I'm back in my dorm...and it feels pretty good, I must say...after nomading for 3 weeks, I'm glad to have my own bed again. =)

Oh, my flight DID get delayed for 2 hours. But nothing got cancelled and Mrs Bag is safe with me. After my last 2 flight-nightmares...this tiny delay seemed pretty trivial.

So yup!! My holiday is over...and hello 2nd semester! Please treat me well...

I do believe I'm not jinxed...

Remember the line in Peter Pan, "I do believe in fairies...I do believe in fairies...I do believe in fairies"? Well...I do believe I'm not jinxed...I do believe I'm not jinxed...I do believe I'm not jinxed...

I DO!!!

Well...I'm flying back to Oklahoma today...and my flight will NOT be canceled or delayed...and my baggage will NOT be lost and sent to the wrong airport. Why? Because "I do believe I'm not jinxed".

No seriously, I've used up my share of airport bad luck. I do believe I'm not jinxed. I do, I do, I do!!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Charcoalbread men

Yesterday, I made Charcoalbread men...

...but that was after I made their fairer counterparts...

So here's the story:

I was bored, so I decided to amuse myself by baking them little critters...take note that I'm still at my brother's apartment...and he doesn't have a hand mixer...or a proper mixing spoon, for that matter...

But as I said, I was bored, so I gallantly stepped into the kitchen, armed with an over sized bowl, a flimsy egg whisk, two butter knives and a salad-serving spoon. I told myself that if pioneer women could do it 100 years ago, so could I. But then I forgot that pioneer women probably didn't have time to bake gingerbread men.

Needless to say, after adding everything together, THE DOUGH STILL WOULD NOT STICK!!!! So I started adding the wet ingredients and mixing and adding more wet ingredients and mixing until the dough looked remotely like dough. According to mum, it's because I didn't cream the butter and sugar with a hand mixer...

Anyways, the end result was a super dry and crumbly dough that would not cooperate with me...but I managed to produce something which was good enough for me...anyways, I was so tired that I left the last batch of cookies in the oven...and went to take a shower...and it was an hour later when I realized that I had made charcoalbread men.

I'm a culinary genius.

*bows* ...thank you, thank you...*wipes a tear away* *bows again*

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dear those...

Dear those who are going to sit for A-lvls this week,

I hope you aren't reading this...coz it would mean that you are not studying and visiting my blog. But if you are reading my blog...I want to say "jia yo!" Don't stress too much, you'll will do fine. But if you are stressed, here's a one sided conversation I had with God which might encourage you...=)

"God, I really want XXX for SPM. But I know I can't do it. What I want and what I deserve doesn't match up...but you know what God? What is enough for You is enough for me. And if what is enough for You is not the results I want, that is OK with me...more than OK actually. Thank you God. Amen."

And I left it at that. Inside, I was cringing because I was scared that "what was enough" for God was going to be waaay less than what I wanted. But in the end, the results belong to God, not to me and not to you. So people, God bless you in your exams...and have fun!

An A-lvls drop out.

Parked at The Brother's college

My dorms are closed till next week...and until then, I'm parked at The Brother's apartment at his school. So...this is his apartment:

Bedroom: top bunk is his.
Living area (1):
Living area (2):
Kitchen/Dinning area:
Not Yeah, I can't believe I'm blogging for him.

So it was a 4 hour journey from Chicago to Grand Rapids...there were 6 of us in a mini van...with no less than 8 luggage bags, 1 box, 5 backpacks and laptops...Over here, The Brother and I are considered *ahhem* small...and thus, we were designated to the back there I was, squished between a big bony box and a bony big brother...with a cabin bag under my feet and a backpack on my legs...for 4 hours. It was...interesting...

Anyways...we got here in one piece (maybe because there wasn't room for more than one piece of me)...and everything is really pretty...=)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A walk to remember...

Dad wanted to take a walk around the the freezing Dad, Dave, the Trudels and I trooped outside...

Me, dad and David...mum is missing *wails*

Dad, me, Alissa, Aunty Jeannie, Jared and Uncle Grant.

Dad wanted to walk on water...he had to settle for ice...

My kor and Dad

My temporary roomie and me. Aunty Jeannie is Aunty Sue's sister...and we are staying with them for 3 has been a load of fun...and good food...and good fellowship!!

Pictures and Food!!

So I'm at Aunty Sue's sister's house...with david and dad...and dad brought food and pictures. =D

FOOD!!!! *faints at the whiff of muruku*

And he brought my file full of photos...and here are some of them...

CF: Form 2

CF: Form 3

CF: Form 4

CF: Form 5

Family: 2000

Family: 2005

One of my favourite photos (Yoong Jie's masterpiece)...
...the lighting was awesome man...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

In 2008, I...
January 08
..started A-Levels at MCKL.

February 08
...attended grandma's funeral.

March 08
...nearly died laughing at my SPM results. God has a sense of

April 08 accepted into Calvin College.

May 08 chased on a manhunt at Sunday School Camp.
...studied for A-levels at Sunday School Camp.
...sat for the first 6 papers of A-levels.

June 08 accepted into University of the Ozarks and OCU.
...freaked out about leaving home.
...decided to go to OCU.
...freaked out about leaving home.

July 08
...freaked out about leaving home.
...passed my driving test!!

August 08 an allergic reaction to shopping.
...freaked out about leaving home.
...left home.
...found out I could survive on my own.

September 08
...did nothing worth mentioning here.

October 08
...became legal. That is, I turned 18. I'm not an illegal immigrant.

November 08
...started my first job.

December 08
...sat for finals.
...sat in an airport terminal for 14 hours.
...froze to death in a Chicago winter. least I think I did all that...I have a shocking memory...

Anyways...we celebrated new years with MORE PIZZA...Mamma-mia and Prince Caspian...Lets start with the pizza...we had Chicago-style deep dish stuffed pizza...which was exceedingly fattening *bulgy eyes* slice can cause a cheese me on that...
Then we had an oestrogen filled movie: Mamma-mia...which I thoroughly enjoyed...I can't say the same for the 2 college boys who were stuck watching it with us's a comment I found amusing, "Ooohhh...I can't believe I just saw menopausal butts shaking!!" of course we had to balance all that femaleness with a good dose of swords, blood and gore, and we ended up watching Prince Caspian...and of course the song "The Call" had to make me feel all mushy inside...thanks to Jo who played that song the day I told her I was leaving...*whacks jo*

So...happy new year!!