Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time to gather me thoughts...

*grabs randomly above my head*

After a week of short and frivolous posts...I guess its time to harness all the thoughts that have been running through my head and stick 'em on this blog. Yes, I do have thoughts running through my head. I'm not the numbskull I sometimes make myself out to be.

But be (very) warned. This is a long and potentially (very) boring post. Are you (very) warned? (very) Good.
Hokey doke...lets start with classes.

Within my first week of classes...I had to write two papers. And knowing me and my brain freezes...they took eons to write. And here is a facebook-account of one of my Intro to Biblical Literature essay.

Basically I had a 12 hour brain freeze over my thesis statement...and each subsequent point took +/- an hour to write...and it ended off with another few hours staring at my concluding paragraphs.

Anyways, that essay was one paper I wanted to research/write properly. I mean, I don't want to meet God one day and He goes, "What was this craB u wrote about ME?" The other paper was on Science and Religion. So that was another paper I couldn't bring myself to "Just cow-poop about." *excuse me, this is a children friendly blog*

But all those hours of writing about where I stand as a Christian and what I believe about the Bible has really made me think think think (I quote Michael William's daughter). =)
And I'm really glad that my proffessor isn't biased one way or another. He gives us the academic world's view and his own personal Christian views. And so I am able to see clearly what (I decide) is the truth.


Then there is work.

It has been a very different semester for me since I started working 17 hours every week. My day starts at 9am and I go on like an energizer bunny till 5pm or 7pm, depending on the day. Then I either do homework and then sleep...or sleep and then do homework.

Yeah, work has taken a large chunk out from my time. But the phrase "You are a student first, only then, a CF committee member" (the phrase that David kor kor drilled into me, and me into my committee's heads - back when I was in WMS) has stuck with me. Only now it is, "You are a student first, then an employee." It has been interesting week of time management, but I'm getting into the swing of it.

That been said, the other day, when I was doing my quiet time...this thought struck me: "I work for God, not for my boss, or my bosses' boss, or my bosses' bosses' boss." And then I remembered Ms Moey's story from one of those Friday evening BK classes:

There was this monk at a monastery whose job was to open the gate whenever the bell rang. Everyday for 50 over years, all he did was to wait for the bell to ring and open the gate. And every time he opened those gates, he would greet the visitor with a huge smile and a warm welcome. One day, a visitor asked him how it was that he managed to do the same thing everyday without getting sick of his job. The monk smiled and replied, "Every time I hear that bell ring, I imagine that it is Jesus I am opening that gate for."

It's funny how those life lessons you learn back in secondary school come back to you.

Wow, it has been an obscenely long post. But there is one more thing about my week...oats.

Oats is cheap and filling. Oats is a good college kid's food. This semester, I bought myself a tin of oats to eat...and I've been making it almost everyday - so I have to blog about it. Anyways, oats isn't as yuck as most people make it out to be. In fact, when you dump cinnamon and raisins in it...or bananas...or coffee...(hey, I'm serious!)...or that left over packet of cocoa mix from last turns out pretty yummy. Try it!

Which reminds me, I need to stock up on food. *runs to the grocery store*


esiotrot =) said...

that's what u call long??????? LOL!!!!!

caryn said...

i'm not like u leh...=)

esiotrot =) said...

is that an isult? lol... XP