Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's that weird asian girl doing?

I can imagine the ang mors nudging each other, going "What's that weird asian girl doing? Putting coffee in her soup? Gross!"

K, I know I'm a coffee addict, but no, I don't put coffee in my soup. Thing is, the soup in the cafeteria is meant for sodium deficient people. I am not sodium deficient. Therefore I dilute it with hot water...from the coffee machine. And then thicken it with an overdose of pepper. But yeah, I still feel weird walking to the coffee machine with a steaming bowl of soup. Wouldn't you?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Of Video Cameras and Pancakes

Today was the Mr. and Mrs./Ms. OCU International Pagent. And some how I got roped in to be the video recorder person. And of course someone had to step unto the wire and cut off the power to the video recorder. And of course I had to plug the thing back in without repressing the record button. And of course I had to stand there for half an hour thinking that I was filming when i wasn't. Sigh...oh the blurness of siewpau the cow.
Well after that, we went to IHOP. Okay...this was how I was introduced to IHOP.

I Forgot Who: Hey look! That's IHOP.
Me: Okay...?
I Forgot Who: It stands for International House Of...*gets distracted*
Me: Prayer? Peace? Persecution? *gets excited*
I Forgot Who: *stops getting distracted* uhh...pancakes.
Me: Oh.

Anyways, IHOP is likened to Malaysia's mamak. So, back to my story. After Mr. and Mrs./Ms. OCU International, some of us helpers went to IHOP for supper. Starting from the guy with half a super big face (photographer), Albert from Indonesia, Yulianna from Indonesia, Alice from Malaysia, Me from 2 Jalan Wesley, Tao from Thailand and Elisha from Malaysia.

That was my supper. DON'T WORRY, I did NOT touch the whipped cream. And I donated like half a crepe to people. And how bad can strawberries be rite? Oh, here's the story. I ordered one crepe. And they served me two. But since it's their mistake, I only paid for one. Cool huh?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Composition 1

I was supposed to write a narrative essay for Composition 1 about something rebellious I did. Considering my boring life, (>.<) I couldn't think of anything rebellious or interesting enough, so I strung together memories of my blighted childhood (kidding), a hated blue dress (I think it's pretty sweet now), an anecdote from naomi's dad, and a prank I borrowed from a friend.
Warning! This essay is over a thousand words long. Don't even attempt to read it if you are sleepy.
Here goes...
The little girl was 5 years old. She stood on tip toes in the children’s playroom, at the edge of the balcony, and peered down into the mass of people. From there, she picked out the figure of a scrawny little boy from the sea of bowed heads. “Momma,” she said, “I want to join Brother David inside the big church,” her short, chubby finger pointing to the little figure downstairs. For a moment, Momma looked as though she was going to object, then she nodded reluctantly. “I’ll bring you next week. But promise me that you will sit still and not talk.” The little girl nodded solemnly.

A week later, the little girl found herself on the church pew sandwiched in between Momma and Brother David. Dad was up on stage talking. He had been talking for a long, long time. The little girl whispered to Brother David. Momma shot her a look. Then, she squirmed around and made a face at the boy behind. Momma put a warning hand over her knee. For 5 whole minutes, she sat still, with an uncomfortable urge to scream welling up inside of her. Impulsively, she wriggled off the church pew. Momma stood up, grabbed the little girl’s hand and marched her outside. The little girl knew what was coming. Her round eyes welled up with tears as a heartbroken wail burst forth from her lungs. Momma firmly bent the little girl over her knee and gave her bottom a good, hard smack.

I sat upright, smiling like a doll and behaving like a saint, with an uncomfortable urge to scream welling up inside of me. Dad had married yet another couple off today. And, out of courtesy, they invited the preacher, his wife and his kids along to the wedding dinner. It didn’t matter that we had not the fuzziest idea of who they were. All that mattered was that I had been dragged away from my best friend’s birthday party to the fifth boring sit down dinner in the span of two weeks. And the worst part was, I didn’t even dare to suggest otherwise.

Sometime after the Lotus Leaf Fried Rice and a long time before dessert, I excused myself and fled to the bathroom. I glowered at the girl in the gold gilded mirror. She was wearing a sweet baby blue dress with ridiculous polka dots scattered around it. The empire waistline made her look fat. “How could any self respecting 12 year old allow her mother to talk her into wear such a babyish dress?” I stormed as I pulled at the frilly lace around my neck, and rumpled up the skirt with vengeance. Then I saw it. In the corner of the bathroom lay a crumpled dollar bill.

A brilliant idea came to me. I rummaged through the miscellaneous things in my bag and found what I was looking for - a tube of UHU glue. For a whole minute I stood staring at that yellow tube, gathering up the nerve to be naughty. I knew it was now or never, and I decided that today was now. So I swiped the dollar bill. With a racing heart and a trembling hand, I plastered it with glue and stuck it to the floor. At that very moment, I heard footsteps. Feverishly, I hid the glue and pretended to wash my hands.

An old lady entered. Her perfectly styled hair was snow white, and her gold bangles jingled as she strolled in. Almost immediately she spotted the dollar bill. From the corner of my eye, I watched as she bent over to grab it. I wondered vaguely if the glue had dried, then - Rip! I closed my eyes and bit my lip to stop me from laughing out loud as I heard it tear. She cursed. I choked and scuttled out of the bathroom. By the time the old lady stalked out, still cursing like a sailor, I was 20 feet away, composedly admiring the bronze statue of a horse in full flight.

I did not want to go back into the restaurant again. So I found myself heading back to the bathroom. The dollar bill was still there, ripped straight down the middle. I cleaned up the mess as best I could, all the while stifling my gleeful laughter. Goaded on by my own success, I took out a dollar bill from my wallet, and placed it in the corner of the bathroom. Then I grabbed the tube of glue and emptied its contents on the floor around that ill-fated dollar.

I stood back and admired my handiwork. The dollar bill sat inconspicuously in the corner, and the polished floor gleamed innocently. I retreated behind the toilet stall to wait for my next victim. She did not take long in coming. As I waited there, scarcely allowing myself to breathe, I heard a rhythmic “click clack” of high heels as the unknown stranger marched in. The footsteps slowed down. And then, I saw them. Gorgeous turquoise pumps with mean 6 inch heels. “One more step,” I prayed silently. Then very slowly, the unknown stranger lifted her right foot and lowered it right onto the pool of glue. My breath came out in a rush.

Casually, I flushed the toilet and sauntered out, just in time to see the owner of the gorgeous pumps trip over her own feet, lose balance, teeter, and fall. There was a sharp crack as the 6 inch heel snapped and skidded smoothly across the floor, coming to a rest at my feet. Fascinated, I dragged my eyes from the severed heel and stared at the lump of dress and hair on the floor. She laid there, like a limp rag doll, the dollar bill still clutched tightly in her right hand. But best of all was the humongous gap of pale skin between the torn seams on the bodice of the once gorgeous dress. Slowly, she turned her face to me. My jaw dropped. It was the bride.

On the way home, Dad, Momma and Brother David couldn’t stop talking about the bride. There had been a holy silence as she entered the restaurant sobbing and limping on one and a half pairs of shoes. The gaping hole in her dress would be the talk of our town. No doubt, I reflected meditatively, the best day in her life had turned into a nightmare. But as for me, I had never felt better.
Made it? Congratulations!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

When life gives you...

...when life gives you blisters...
...make funny faces...

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Instructions:Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

  1. If you could spend one Ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on? Malaysian food!!!
  2. What is your most favourite thing to do? sleep
  3. What kind of news do you read? good news
  4. What would you give up in return to eat all you want in the world and not get fat? my fats
  5. Is there someone in your heart right now? hmmm...
  6. Do you believe you can survive without money? not really
  7. What are you afraid to lose the most? my faith
  8. What do you feel like doing right now? taking a shower in my own bathroom...
  9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? after him...
  10. List out 3 good points of the person who taggedahem ! energy bunny, sincere, heart of gold...
  11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? rich old man =P
  12. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad? lets not start...
  13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? coffeeeeee!
  14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick? happy lah duh..
  15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change? the judgemental side of mua
  16. How do you see yourself in 10 years time? big butted >.<
  17. What is the one thing you love about yourself? my ability to annoy david tan
  18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be? clothes
  19. When do you think David Tan should get married? tommorow.

I tag elmo..esiotrot..anyone who wants to see David married...

You are a letter from God...

2 Corinthians 3:3...You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts...
No play play wei...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Every year, for the past 5 years, I have gone shopping for your both your presents together, gave them to you two on the same day, had the same celebration...but always, one of you got left out...either we would celebrate your birthday too early...or too late...

BUT! Hero Cow is here to save the day. With the aid of time zones, Hero Cow is able to wish both of you happy birthday at the same time - without discrimination! So here it is. HAPPY BIRTHDAY both of you!

To Krystal who is a day older, (and is proud of it!)

From the Larvae to the roach,
As your 18th year approach,
May no one try to squish you.
And all your hopes and dreams come true.
(dear readers who are confused, it's an old, old, old joke)
To Kai Li who has just gotten braces,
It scares me how well you know me. I just want to say thank you for always being there! Happy birthday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Brain

I flew halfway around the world to mess around with playdough. How fun.


Three cheers to me! I've survived for a month. And from the looks of things, I will survive for the next 8 months. Unless I get frozen to death. Erratic air conditioners + shorts are driving me to my comfy bed. Goooonites...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Have you ever...?

Have you ever...

...walked into a church late...

...had the pastor in a long, serious, black, batman robe turn to stare at you...

...jump up and down and scream...
..."YAY! WE'VE GOT VISTORS!!!"...?
I have.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Welcome to Oklahoma City!!

Today I went on a Oklahoma City tour...with some international students...and it was pretty fun. Finally got to meet some black haired people. >.<
Anyways, let the pictures speak for themselves...

Me in front of the State Capital building.

Me challenging the Red Indian dude to fight. He didn't dare.


Me in a weird pose with colourful glass sculptures behind.


Notice how flat it is here. Me thinks my nose was modeled after OKC.


Honami and I being posers.

This duck is for Hannah to squeal at.

Honami (Japan), Jennifer (Korea) and Sean (also Korea).


Me acting like a kid.

6. Horse Race

I didn't get any pictures of the horse race because I was too busy betting on horses...

Anyways...I took this picture on my way back. We get pretty awesome sunsets here, mainly because its so flat that you can see for miles and miles...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thank you...

After all the stories about MCKL's super passion CF Camp...I did a little bit of reflection myself, and I remember again how God has used CF to transform me.

I guess it started out when I was in Form 2...the day one of my classmates was suprised to hear I was a Christian. Man, that hurt. That day, I realized that not being bad wasn't enough. That day, I realized that God wanted me to live my faith out loud. And that was the begining.
Next thing I knew, Kaylee, Peako-boy and I were conspiring to revive Lower Sec CF...and then it was Upper Sec CF...and CF camp...and then another year of CF...and CF camp...And then MCKL's CF...and the passion that I saw in each and every single one of you. Yes. Every single one of you.
Four years ago, it started out as "What I can do to serve You Lord?" And ended off as "Who am I to receive all Your blessings?" It has been 4 amazing years of lessons of faith, humility, courage and love. And I'm still taking long distance lessons from all the testimonies that I hear. >.<
So I guess I want to say thank you to all the people who have been placed in my life. It has been an amazing journey so far...
Here is to you guys...and to the Almighty One above...



Friday, September 5, 2008

Random stuff....

Okay, time for a really random post...
I love my laundry bag...don't you?? I learnt (the hard way) that laundry bags are not meant to be washed...because they shrink by like 30%...therefore, I achieve nakedness at a more rapid pace then others...

The guardian of Hannah's handbag, Mr. Ermmm....oh look, mum's feet are in the upper left hand corner...
I'm still all mushy from all the g'bye cards...and notes...and CD...
All 5 of my boarding passes...
My army of dove hair stuff from home...i wonder how long they will last...
CHAR KUEY TIAO...my first satisfying meal in USA...
My first view of OCU...

That's me in the airport...looking all blueish-grey...with my brains cut off...

Me in my room...with cow watching over me...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

MIA's here...

MIA's here...finally...cow was so happy that cow recorded the whole entire unpacking process...

So now that MIA and I are together...I can finally blog about my flight...

5pm, 14 AUG, 2008

I left home...and...rat...loaded Mr. and Mrs. Bag into the car...and drove off to KLIA...

6pm, 14 AUG, 2008
I checked in...and sat at McD's...And had McBubur before I left...

8pm, 14 AUG, 2008
..said my goodbyes...and boarded the plane to Singapore...landed there at I forgot what time...and waited for 8 hours for my Singapore to Hong Kong flight *faints*...but then...how can you be bored when there is coffee?

At about 4 am, the United Airlines counter opened, and I tried to check in, but they informed me that my Hong Kong - LA flight was delayed, so they put me on the Hong Kong - San Francisco - Denver - Oklahoma City flight. Fine. Then they tell me: "System error. We tagged your bags wrongly, please correct our mistake in Hong Kong." Ok. Not like I had a choice right? All the passengers had boarded except for me.

Hereafter, I lost track of time and date
After about 3 hours of flying I reach Hong Kong. I sort out my bags, and they reassure me that everything is ok. Yay! Next thing I know, I'm on my 14 hour flight to San Fransisco.

I am in a 3-4-3 seated plane. I find myself sandwiched between a huge white guy and a skinny chinese man. Sometime after take off, they give out customs/immigration forms to fill out. The flight attendant assumes the skinny chinese man is my father and doesn't give me a customs form. I have to shout at him to get him to understand that I need one. *embarrassing nya*

Then I settle in for a long, long, awfully cramped journey. Hooray. I had 2 amusing things that happened to me over the course of the journey....
Amusing story #1
Airplane food. Did you know that the first bite of airplane food is the best thing you ever tasted? And the second bite, is the worse thing you ever tasted. Funny how it switches tastes on you so fast.

Amusing story #2

The skinny chinese guy next to me needed to pee. The guy on his right was sleeping. I was on his left, but the huge white guy was also on my left. So the skinny chinese guy decides to stand up on his chair, climb over the guy on his right and jump over unto the aisle. Not a bad plan for a acrobat. Anyways, the skinny chinese guy was in the middle of his stunt when the guy on his right woke up. No doubt he felt the presence of an unusual being hovering over him. I tell you, the look of shock and horror and amusement and mirth on the poor man's face was enough to make ME want to pee.

Anyways, I survived the journey and landed at San Fransisco. I found Mr. and Mrs. Bag, managed to yank their fat butts off the conveyor belt unto my trolley, and cleared customs.

Shortly after found my boarding gate there is an announcement that my flight was cancelled. I find myself at customer service, getting a new boarding pass from San Fransisco - L.A. - Oklahoma City. By the way, that was my original flight route.

After that, nothing interesting happened. I was so dead tired dosed at the terminal and slept in the airplane. I even slept during the safety instructions (which I had heard 4 times before) - right under the nose of the flight attendant. How wude...

Then I reach Oklahoma City airport. It is 12 midnight. And I find out that Mr. and Mrs. Bag are in Denver. Huh? How did that happen? Anyways, my dad's friend's friend sorts out the problem with the bags and brings me to the hotel where I stayed my first night in USA.

The next day, he brings me to Oklahoma City University. It's really pretty here.

And that's my tiny cubby-hole of a room...I'll post up pictures of my roomies when blogger has decided to forgive me for uploading so many pictures...

Monday, September 1, 2008

First week of Classes...

A few memorable bits of my first week in university...
  1. Some graduate Malaysian students invited the poor undernourished undergrad M'sian students for chicken rice! muahahaha...
  2. I went to class...when there was no class...oops...wrong day...
  3. I tried to find the right classroom in the wrong building...
  4. I worked out in Weight Training class and paralyzed my entire lower half of the body. Nah...still can walk...but I'm in pain...was in pain...now I'm fine...
  5. I got 'asked out' by a random Chinese dude off the street. EWWW. NO I WILL NOT GO OUT WITH YOU!