Friday, September 5, 2008

Random stuff....

Okay, time for a really random post...
I love my laundry bag...don't you?? I learnt (the hard way) that laundry bags are not meant to be washed...because they shrink by like 30%...therefore, I achieve nakedness at a more rapid pace then others...

The guardian of Hannah's handbag, Mr. Ermmm....oh look, mum's feet are in the upper left hand corner...
I'm still all mushy from all the g'bye cards...and notes...and CD...
All 5 of my boarding passes...
My army of dove hair stuff from home...i wonder how long they will last...
CHAR KUEY first satisfying meal in USA...
My first view of OCU...

That's me in the airport...looking all blueish-grey...with my brains cut off...

Me in my room...with cow watching over me...


rach said...

thats a lovely laundry bag:P
a whole stack of dove prod? lol. nice one.. i'll come over and help you finish:) hey i'm missing ratty too. and my WIFE! :( glad you are 'inspired' to keep clean :P

Cj said...

Hey nice pics :)