Today was the Mr. and Mrs./Ms. OCU International Pagent. And some how I got roped in to be the video recorder person. And of course someone had to step unto the wire and cut off the power to the video recorder. And of course I had to plug the thing back in without repressing the record button. And of course I had to stand there for half an hour thinking that I was filming when i wasn't. Sigh...oh the blurness of siewpau the cow.
Well after that, we went to IHOP. Okay...this was how I was introduced to IHOP.
I Forgot Who: Hey look! That's IHOP.
Me: Okay...?
I Forgot Who: It stands for International House Of...*gets distracted*
Me: Prayer? Peace? Persecution? *gets excited*
I Forgot Who: *stops getting distracted* uhh...pancakes.
Me: Oh.
Anyways, IHOP is likened to Malaysia's mamak. So, back to my story. After Mr. and Mrs./Ms. OCU International, some of us helpers went to IHOP for supper. Starting from the guy with half a super big face (photographer), Albert from Indonesia, Yulianna from Indonesia, Alice from Malaysia, Me from 2 Jalan Wesley, Tao from Thailand and Elisha from Malaysia.
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