Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

In 2008, I...
January 08
..started A-Levels at MCKL.

February 08
...attended grandma's funeral.

March 08
...nearly died laughing at my SPM results. God has a sense of

April 08 accepted into Calvin College.

May 08 chased on a manhunt at Sunday School Camp.
...studied for A-levels at Sunday School Camp.
...sat for the first 6 papers of A-levels.

June 08 accepted into University of the Ozarks and OCU.
...freaked out about leaving home.
...decided to go to OCU.
...freaked out about leaving home.

July 08
...freaked out about leaving home.
...passed my driving test!!

August 08 an allergic reaction to shopping.
...freaked out about leaving home.
...left home.
...found out I could survive on my own.

September 08
...did nothing worth mentioning here.

October 08
...became legal. That is, I turned 18. I'm not an illegal immigrant.

November 08
...started my first job.

December 08
...sat for finals.
...sat in an airport terminal for 14 hours.
...froze to death in a Chicago winter. least I think I did all that...I have a shocking memory...

Anyways...we celebrated new years with MORE PIZZA...Mamma-mia and Prince Caspian...Lets start with the pizza...we had Chicago-style deep dish stuffed pizza...which was exceedingly fattening *bulgy eyes* slice can cause a cheese me on that...
Then we had an oestrogen filled movie: Mamma-mia...which I thoroughly enjoyed...I can't say the same for the 2 college boys who were stuck watching it with us's a comment I found amusing, "Ooohhh...I can't believe I just saw menopausal butts shaking!!" of course we had to balance all that femaleness with a good dose of swords, blood and gore, and we ended up watching Prince Caspian...and of course the song "The Call" had to make me feel all mushy inside...thanks to Jo who played that song the day I told her I was leaving...*whacks jo*

So...happy new year!!

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