Thursday, January 15, 2009


Taking into account wind chill and is -15C today...and fyi, that is cold. No, cold is an understatement, it is furrr-ree-zing!!! It doesn't help that work takes me out of doors 50% of the time, walking from building to also doens't help that I have night classes - which mean that I get to run back to my dorm during the coldest part of the also doesn't help that I come from the equator. I love the equator.

I don't know why, but this feels a whole lot colder than it was when I was up in Chicago/Michigan...maybe I'm just not mentally prepared for it...
Anyways, I dunno if you guys noticed, but I get rosy cheeks when its really hot or really cold. And now, is really cold. I feel sorry for those poor frozen people up north.

...because the cold is making me look like a lobster...


...I just haven't posted a picture in a while...

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