Sunday, March 29, 2009

Churchy stuff...

I attended a Methodist Chinese Church during my first semester of school here...and spoke more Chinese there since I left SRJK (C) Yuk Choy at the not so tender age of 10...discounting 2 stints at an Old Folks Home and a Strokees Rehab Center. I learnt that I can speak Chinese - just gimme 10 minutes to warm up and I'm good to go. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe.

But this semester, I felt that I needed to find a church close enough that I could be involved in (without having to hitch hike), and I've been attending a Baptist Church down the road. I kinda did the Sunday thing for a while: sit at the back church and disappear after the service, but today I walked into a bible study class, unaccompanied. Another first for me. Hey, I'm no longer the Preacher's Kid *freedom dance* - getting sucked into every known church programme under the sun (and then some).

And then there was Holy Communion today. I tell ya, after 18 years of hearing dad conduct HC - with the exact same intonation, the exact same tempo, and the exact same liturgy, attending HC at a baptist church was...weird. Hah. Poor confused me had to sneak peeks at people around me to make sure I knew what to do. Do I pop the bread in my mouth? Or hold it? Hey, that guy drank the juice. Should I drink the juice? Wait, no one else is drinking the juice. K, what do I do with the cup now? Oh, HC is over? That was kinda fast.

So that's my update on churchy stuff...peace out.

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