Monday, March 30, 2009

Fall 2009

Today we had advising for next semester's classes...which is AFTER I come back home and go back to school again in September. And so here's my schedule (as of now). Things may very well change between now and then.

Human Anatomy & Physiology 2
More anatomy. Yay. Tests every 2 weeks. Double yay.
Statistics for Behavio(u)ral Sciences
I've always kinda liked stats. And this is statistics for psychology or something like that.
Western Literature: Neoclassical through Modern Period
What's neoclassical?!?!?!?! Neo = new right? My latin stinks. Or is it greek? Or french? Or chinese?
Survey of the American Mind
One of the compulsory subjects that I have to take is American History, and this is American History for international students. I'm taking it because I know squat about Amerika Syarikat's Sejarah.
Introduction to Sociology
As you may (or may not) have noticed, this is not on my timetable. I'm taking an online course for this coz I heard that going to class is a waste of time. Besides, that way, I can have something of a life.
So far, 20 hours a week hasn't killed me. We'll see what happens next semester.
I dunno if you've noticed, but I have this weird obsession with planning my life waaaaay ahead of time.

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