Friday, April 3, 2009

What a week!

What a week!
Let's just say that the week I started writing my Research Paper (research paper spelt with CAPITALS) for English...
...was also the week I had to go in for advising...academic advising, I'm not suicidal or anything...
...was also the week I had to make an emergency trip to the grocery store...running out of deodorant is an emergency k?...
...was also the week I had 2 quizzes...
...was also the week prior to my Anatomy Exam on the bwain...God, why did you make my bwain so the complicated?!?!
...was also the week I put in an extra 7 hours of work...
...was also the week I had to prepare for a presentation worth 20% of my grade...
. also the week I promised to do 5 hours of volunteer work...
. also the week I've to attend some dungu formal dress up dinner.
I'm not complaining...busy is good. Busy is very good. But what a week it has been! And it's still not over...

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