Saturday, January 23, 2010

What happened last friday...

So on Friday, after the whole go to class/work thing was done with, this happened:

Yes ma'am, it's the 16-shot function on my camera at work again. My friend and I tried to do the lala pose thing...obviously, I can't count. What am I doing in uni?!?! I need to go back to kindergarten.

1. Smile, relax, ONE.
2. Still at ONE?
3. Oh yeah, change to TWO.
4. TWO and a HALF/THREE?
5. Finally, THREE!
6. FOUR times two equals eight, dong dong.
7. What the? TEN?
8. HEE HEE, she messed up. She does the chicken dance.
9. She laughs at herself.
10. HELP, she's in spasms.
11. ...frothing at the mouth...
12. ...stretch?
13. She hides.
14. I lift up my eyes to the hills- Where does my help come from?
15. *GASPS*
16. *DIES*

And after I was exercising my abs, I went to tag some people with lasers! And I found out I wasn't half bad at it. I got third (from behind!!!) place. Not bad huh? Lol!! *koff koff*

But yes, laser tag was a blast. Put it on the list of "things you need to do before you die". Basically, you run around in the dark shooting people and getting shot at. When you get shot at, you die for 5 seconds where you can't shoot or get shot at. And as you can see from my ranking, I am very good at getting shot at. =)

1 comment:

rach said...

haha. nice 1-10, missing half the numbers in the process :P looking forward to you coming back! Oh i remember laser tag. never played it before. was CLOSE. now its on my list of things to do before i die. better option than paintball which hurts (: