Sunday, January 17, 2010

The fourth first week...

I've hit my fourth semester, and have long gotten past the "first week freakout" stage. Yes, getting the syllabus, facing a classroom of strangers and figuring out my schedule can be horrible if you don't remember to forget the fact that all the exams, assignments and presentations will take care of themselves when they come around.

As usual, I made myself a timetable so I won't be a klutz and go to the right class at the wrong time or some idiotic notion like that.

As you can see, I have two 3 hour long night classes, which is awesome because I can get them over with sekali-gus. On the other hand, 3 hours of class after a long day of class and work isn't my idea of fun.

I'd be worried for ME if I found it fun.

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