Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It's snowing. And I am not excited. Read my lips. NOT EXCITED.
Why? Oh...maybe because its freaking cold outside...maybe because the wind is blowing at 43 km/h...making it more like -10*C instead of -2*C...maybe because the wind in your face makes you have to fight for Every. Step. You. Take. For. Ward. Oh the agony!
Back when I was 10 years old, with a much more substantial layer of insulation...ahem!, I thought snow and cold were great fun...It almost became a game to see how many layers of clothes I could do without...Now its a battle between Sense and Pride...to see if I should wear 6 layers of clothes and be snug...or to try to make do with 3 layers in the attempt not to look like a poor frozen child from the equator. Oh wait, I am a poor frozen child from the equator.
Anyways, you guys might want to know that whats coming down from the sky is more like a flurry/sleet/snow thingimehbub...and that there's only a sprinkling of snow on the ground. Something like a cake with a economical layer of powdered sugar to top it. Its nothing like what Tabby (my fellow Malaysian in America) has been getting. There IS some comfort in that.

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