Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 08: Week 1 i'm a thief. But who hasn't stolen wifi from time to time? *insert guilty grin*

So I'm staying with my bro's friend's family...the Schmidt's...and I'm currently borrowing wifi from one of their neighbours. Ahhem.

Anyways, here's a summary of my past week:

Thursday, 18 Dec
The day started off with a 8 am room check...I went to work for 4 hours...went to the Oklahoma City Airport...waited in the terminal for 8 on the plane...landed at Memphis Airport...slept in a hotel room.

Friday, 19 Dec
Woke up at 6ish...took the shuttle bus from the hotel to the airport...went through security...went to my gate...found out my flight was cancelled...competed with like 300 other people to get booked on the earliest next flight to Chicago...ended up waiting in the terminal for over 12 hours.

I'm sorry, but you tend to turn into a cam whore when you have been stuck in a airport terminal for over 12 hours...

...from morning to evening to night...
Finally got on the plane...landed...met David korkor...found out that Mrs. Bag was lost...Mr. Schmidt drove "home"...took a bath and...*crash* Cow falls into a coma.
Saturday, 20 Dec
Woke up at a ungodly hour...hung around the house all day waiting for Mrs. Bag...ended up having to go shopping for church clothes...

Sunday, 21 Dec
Found Mrs. Bag sitting on the porch in the morning...went to was -24* kidding...then the Schmidts took us to the "Do it yourself Handle's Messiah Concert". Which means that the 1000 people audience is the also the choir singing the chorus of Handle's Messiah. It was cool...but next time, I rather listen than sing (or lip synch)

Monday, 22 Dec
Went with David to meet up with his ex-roommate and David Khoo. Don't ask me how everyone knows one another. It's a small world. We had a good discussion about marrying David kor kor off: Fun. We took public transport...which involved lots of walking in snow, wind, cold, wet feet and numb toes: No fun.

That's us on the train. Do we lookie alike?

Tuesday, 23 Dec
Went shopping for Christmas prezzies with David kor kor and his friend...ended up in a outdoor mall...which means more snow, wind, cold, wet feet and numb toes.

Pros of shopping with two tall guys: If you walk behind them, they kinda block the wind.

Cons of shopping with two tall guys: They have LONG LEGS and I have to jog 5 paces every 10 steps to catch up with them. MEN!

Wednesday, 24 Dec
Christmas Eve Service got cancelled due to over abundance of snow...later in the evening, the Schmidt's extended family came over for Christmas Eve there was food, presents and games...Fun.
We played Christmas Taboo...and I blooped...

Schmidt Jr: When I am frightened or surprised I say, "What the____."

Caryn: Hell?

Everyone: *roars with laughter*

Schmidt Jr: *Stares* Well...yeah...but when I want to say that nicely I go "What the ____."

Caryn: Ohhhh. DICKENS.

Thursday, 25 Dec
More family time with the Schmidts...watching Christmas movies and such...

It has been an interesting first Christmas away from home...I can't complain...the family I'm staying with are awfully nice and welcoming...but its...different, I guess...hmmm...

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