Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bathroom grouses...

Roommate turned off the lights while I was showering...for the 4th time!! (Btw, I'm refering to the number of times roommate turned off the lights, not the number of times I showered.)

The first time roommate flipped the switch off, she left it off for 10 minutes and I showered in semi darkness...thank goodness she left the door ajar...

Second time around, it lasted for 5 minutes before she let out a gasp and ran to my rescue.

The third time it happened, the lights went out and the door closed. Pitch black. Hurray, I hope I don't slip, fall and DIEEEEeeeee. 10 seconds later..."GASP! Roommate! I'm so sorry!!!"

Today it happened again. She took 2 seconds before she realised that she did it again. And I realised that it was high time I blogged about my roommate who is going to save the world by saving its environment by conserving electricity. Or maybe it's just a subtle hint that I'm taking too long in the shower. Who knows?? =P

Hahaha...i'm not complaining...it's just an automatic reflex for her (and a good one too!!)...i guess it's one of the things we get from sharing a bathroom with 4 other human critters...Roommate, if you ever read this, we're cool. Thank you for bearing with my hair. Besides, you are improving...from 10 minutes to 5 minutes to 10 seconds to 2 seconds...definitely a commendable effort!

Fyi, the bathroom has separate stalls for the shower and the throne room...I don't shower with the doors unlocked.

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