Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I got my first paycheck today...actually, no, the dough was automatically sent to my bank account...so imagine the shock/deelight when I saw my balance jump from a $19.32 to a $75.32...For the first time in my life, the mooola actually increased instead of decreased...which was a nice change.

If you want to know how much my first paycheck was...do the math yourself. And the best part is, I'm not taxable until next year. *grins*
And no, I'm not going on a shopping spree...My mum is called the 20 cent woman, so I guess that since I got half her genes, I would be a 10 cent girl...?
On another note, tithing should be a lot more interesting now that I am actually earning my own money instead of parasiting off dad...Oh, dad, I AM still parasiting off you...just not 100%. Okay?

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