Saturday, December 6, 2008

A night out...

So one of the things I've learnt to make myself do here is to GO and make friends of all nations. Back home I didn't have to try too hard, friends kind of just fell from the sky...but here is a whole different ball game...and last night was one of those nights where I had to choose between making myself go out and be sociable and spending a few sweet, antisocial, introverted hours to myself...

I chose to be sociable. And I had fun. I would have had fun just lazing around too, but I'm glad I made myself go do something exciting for a change.
So we went to some underground art museum which had some pretty interesting pictures...

...but beyond that...*yawn*...

Then we went ice skating. It was a tiny rink about 1/6 of the size of the rink at Sunway Pyramid...and there where about a million people swarming around...but it was fun...NO *glares at some people*, I did not fall down...I used to be a little roller blading terror...and after a few rounds of bumbling around, I managed to look decently decent at it. =)

About halfway through, I decided to do my psychology homework:
Social norms are the invisible glue that keeps societies together. Social norms tend to be implicit rules for social behavior. Norms are really noticed when they have been violated. For this application exercise, you will be breaking a social norm rule. You should not do anything illegal, unethical, dangerous for self or others, or be obnoxious.
So everyone was skating in an anti-clockwise direction...and yours truly broke a social norm by skating clockwise! I tell you, I felt weird doing it. Like really Really REALLY weird...I kept on apologizing while trying to avoid crashing into random strangers. Halfway, I had a girl scream at me: "Hey! You are going the wrong way!!!!" I nearly died laughing. *hides* I'm not sure if my little experiment was dangerous for self or others...but I certainly felt obnoxious.
The temperature was at freezing yesterday...and the wind chill made it feel even colder...BUT I was bundled up pretty I was pretty OK for the most part...except for my pore pore nose and face...notice how rosy our cheeks got...

That's my suite mate, btw...we share a bathroom...and contribute to the hair in the hair trap.

After that we went to some body's apartment and decorated gingerbread houses...they decorated...I was too zonked to do anything but watch...It was nothing compared to the one mum made donkey years ago. But great fun to watch anyhow.

And probably the most memorable part of my night out was when this guy took out a bible and read the Christmas story. Not many teenagers/young adults would have the guts to do that...and at first I was like, "Dude, this guy is intense." But as he kept reading, I became more and more humbled by the fact that he dared to do something that violated social norms...

Yeah. I'm glad I decided to be sociable...even though I got back at like 2:00 am...even though I was frozen through (it got colder when we stopped moving)...even though my brain was shutting down...and even though I was drained from being around people since 8 am in the morning. Oh well, I am compensating for it by holing up in my room for the whole of today..

Can you find me? Hint: I'm the only one with black hair.

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