Saturday, October 31, 2009

The return of the...


My little Malaysia-U.S. adapter-thing is in my possession again. So I can now charge my camera, take pictures, put pictures on my blog, and make everyone happy. Are you happy? Coz I know I am. *big smiley face*

So here's the first picture in a veli veli long time:
Food! A few of us Malaysians got together at my place to makan. The scary red thing in the pot was scratched up by yours truly. I'm praying I don't get a call complaining about stomach aches tonight...

But yes, moving is a long overdue glimpse of my apartment...I figured that after my pre-dinner party cleaning fest, I'd snap these pics before everything gets messed up again.

So that's the living room...which ironically, is my least lived in room. I usually hover in between my bedroom...

...and the kitchen.

...and the bathroom. The bathroom is very important. And since I'm in the bathroom...

...I might as well make use of the mirror there, to prove to my mama that I'm still alive.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

1990 baby.

Disclaimer: This is my "stress" level. Not my STRESS level. Stress is relative in my world, and I am not stressed. Understanding? Sh'o kever!!
My point Mondays, Tuesdays, & Wednesdays are crazy-busy whereas my Thursday through weekends are relatively chillaxed. Saturday is a particularly chillaxed day...I could even dub it frozexed. (Heehee. Zero = freezing point. Sorry. Lame Cow humour.)

So today is Thursday. The begining of the negative gradient, and I finally have the space and time to blog about the birthday, and reply the 2.563 zillion facebook messages on my page. I'm not a snob, I'll get to them asap. Promise.

So last Sunday, the housemates, Eonni 1 and Eonni 2 made Korean bday soup, baked a cake, and stuck two candles on it. "2" and "0". Apparently I turn 20 this year. But that's all good, we can recycle those candles for Awn-Nee 1's big three-zero bday next year...and Awn-Nee 2's twenty something bday as well. See? Economical. Ta-jie, who's bday was 2 weeks ago joined in the mini celebration. And...that was just the beginning of the festivities!

You see, when I got into work on Monday, I found out that my boss' other employee is taking a 1 month study break. More work for me! After that when I went to class, the Stats prof gave me my long awaited present - a test. And then I got another present on Wednesday in the form of yet another test. So basically I celebrated my birthday by studying for tests, rushing homework, doing projects, and working extra hard. =)

So thank you all for the wishes, I'll be replying you all when I have time to breathe a little. But now, I'll be taking my 7:30 am nap before going to class.

Note: Eonni is Korean for "Big Sister". Just so you know.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Its about the time of the year where I have to choose between...

...grabbing my hoodie and looking cool.


...bundling up in my coat and looking like a dork.

I choose dork. Dignity, where did you go?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Patience is...

Patience is slicing up a (huge S) bangkuang & 3 carrots to make popiah with a paring knife.

Prayer is...

Prayer is not about asking for things. Neither is it about saving the world. It is about learning the song of the Father's heart, and singing it back to Him.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Da blaine hath flied...

The last time I watched 3 movies back to back was with Hannah about a month before I got kicked out of the nest: Get Smart, Kung Fu Panda, and Wanted. Right before watching Wanted, mum called up to say that she had bought my plane ticket to a place halfway across the globe. Needless to say, I spent the next 2 hours freaking out in a cinema chair.

I'm a Wuss!! That line was from Ice Age 3.

Anyways, my brain got fried that day. And I swore on the grave of my ancestors (not really) never to do such a dumb thing again. 1 1/2 years later, I did the exact same thing. This time it was 7 hours of awesome brainlessness: Zombieland, (half of) The Surrogate, The Stepfather and Couple's Retreat. Don't ask me how the movies were. The last few hours have just been and will forever be a glob in my memory.

But that's part of the pure awesomeness of doing something really pointless.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 8

Week 8 has probably has been one of the AWFULEST week ever.

Not really. It wasn't awful at all. I just wanted to make an impression. I like making impressions. It is fun. The end.

Actually, week 8 has been a rather nice and easy going week. We are ejekly halfway through the semester which means that it is midterms. Which means that all the profs think we are stressed out, which means they all stop giving us assignments. I like.

But back to awful. Let just say technology hasn't been kind to me. And considering the fact that I work for Campus Technology...that isn't a good thing - workwise. So I was manning 2 major events in the past 2 weeks, and as I said, technology wasn't kind to me and there was absolutely nothing I could do. But I shore looked bad.

Looking bad I can handle. Because I know it ain't my fault. But now the A/V department is under scrutiny and we have to build our reputation up again. That I can handle as well. What I can't handle is how everyone's being so nice to me. Would someone gimme a scolding? Please?

Then maybe I'll stop feeling bad about how nobody is blaming me even though its not my fault.

I'm weird.

And I'm proud of it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

knock knock...

Knock knock.

Who's there?

The interrupting cow.

The interrupti --


You may now laugh.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Cow is...


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small Fry

Sometimes, being a small fry at the bottom of the food chain ain't such a bad thing after all. Leave the big guys to figure it out.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4. Housemate's Birthday!

Last year, on October 6th, we celebrated Roommate's Birthday. This year, it's my Housemate's turn. Yippie.

She's from China. So Ms. Banana who can only speak Chinese in dire life or death situations googled "happy birthday in chinese", and wrote her the 'weirdest "birthday card" you will ever receive'.
Please ignore the ginormous shoulders in the background!

She loves granola. So birthday granola bars?Please continue to ignore the ginormous shoulders and headless neck in the background.

And just so you know, my camera is out of juice - the charger/adapter is still at my friend's house. And its rather hard to take po-vess-si-ow-nal pictures with a webcam.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Me Lah Tone In

I tell you, my melatonin is messed up. I have been waking up at...

ssshhhhhh!!!!!!! come closer, it's a secret...

...7am or earlier on a daily basis.


ssssshhhhh!! keep it down, if my parents hear, they'll have a heart attack.


Yeah I do, get over it.

Believe it or not, I have mutated from a night owl to a lark (early bird). Back home, everyone slept at a decent hour. But I'd stay up late just so I'd get the whole dingdong house to myself for an hour or two. I like peace and quiet, sue me.

But over here, I have 4 people living in less than 900 square feet of earth - not to mention visitors and what-nots who drop by occasionally. Surely my introverted soul needs an hour or two of just "me time". The solution? Get up an hour or two earlier, spend some time with the BIG boss up there, a mug of oats, my textbooks, and enjoy the silence.