Monday, October 6, 2008

October 7th. Roommate's birthday.

Roomate's birthday is today. She is out...somewhere...and Roomie and I grabbed our opportune momment to decorate her room. Actually we were shiok sendiri-ing half the time...but who cares? =D

We stuck this on the ceiling above Roomate's bed. It's in honour of her PHD in sleeping.

The classic 'write on the paper towel' birthday note with Roomie posing. I sincerely hope that Roommate doesn't wipe her face with it...

Don't we all love post-its? It's so handy, especially when it's somebody's birthday and you feel like vandalising their window. Roommate turns 21, as you can see. And I got cheesy and wrote lame stuff all over the #1.

That's Roomie again, posing with Roomate's birthday card...with a little dinosaur sticker. *Hint hint*, Roommate is getting old, ancient and extinct.

Roomie and I getting all excited over vandalised mirrors.

Anyways, thanks to Esiotrot who loaded me up with stationary goodies before I was put to good use...

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