It's 4-ish am and I still can't sleep...probably because I got 2 presentations (for next week) floating around in my head...and they would keep floating around in my head.
Anyways...I decided to get up and do some work...rather I decided to keep sprawling in bed and do work from here I am...*type type type*
Funny thing though, the first song that played on my lappie was Fix You by Coldplay...I didn't even know I had that song (!!!)...and 2 lines into the song, it goes "when you feel so tired but you can't sleep". Goodness, that jolted me wide awake. I thought I was hallucinating or something.
I take Holy Communion seriously...really, I do...but sometimes, things happen, and I get all giggly at the altar...
Take for example, the time I was kneeling down at the communion rail, right where the latch to let the pastor in and out was...The latch unhooked itself...and I nearly fell prostrate at Pastor's feet.
Or the time I had hiccups. Hic...hic...HIC...
Or the time I got sandwiched in between two people so I could hardly breathe, much less move.
Today was no exception. I was at Evensong (Chapel)...and we had holy communion. This time, they decided to do things differently: we were to line up and serve the person behind us the bread and the juice. So we'd receive the sacraments from the person in front, and then turn around and give the person behind us the bread saying, "this is the body of the Lord broken for you..." and then the cup saying, "this is the blood of the Lord poured out for you..."
Simple? Yeah. That was until the person in front of me broke a whooping big hunk of bread for me. I stared at the bread. It was HUGE. What should I do? Eat it in 2 bites? 1 bite? Faint?
At that moment of indecision, I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth. Then I turned around to serve the girl behind me...and I was like, *big eyes* DIE. I can't talk.
And then it happened, I started giggling. And choking. It probably lasted 3 seconds, but I thought I was going to go into a spasm. Thank God that girl was nice, she whispered, "it's OK", took the bread and juice from me and motioned for me to go.
I fled.
2 minutes later, I managed to swallow the bread and calm myself down into a meditative mode. But seriously...
My life is divided into 2 sections: weekdays and weekends.
On weekdays, I wake up at 8am...go to class and work...come back at 5pm (M,W,F) or 8pm (T,Th), bathe, do homework/study/ read...and then crash a.k.a sleep.
On weekends, I...
Sleep like crazy.
Shop for groceries.
Clean my room.
Take out the trash.
Do laundry.
Go to church.
Attend Bible Study.
Talk to Mum & Dad.
Gymmatize myself.
Sleep like crazy.
Yeah, I've slept like crazy this weekend. And I liked it. Sue me!
Here's the truth: I THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY. I guess the semester is almost out, and my enthusiasm is wearing thin. The 2 hours of sleep last night and 3 cups of caffeine this morning didn't help. Getting my first B on a test probably didn't help either. And going to work and wrestling for two hours with heavy equipment that wouldn't work made me feel dong-dong-er.
But there's nothing a nap can't cure...couldn't cure.
And I'm coming home in 3 weeks. Me is excited. Me is very excited. *grins*
I can't wait to shower in my own bathroom. Really. That's like the first thing I want to do.
Don't ask me what Joo Joo Beans are. I'm jacked up on caffine and joo joo beans, so my use of strange vocabulary is justified.
So I pulled another 10 hour work day. Plus 2 classes on top of that. And a "20% of my grade" presentation in one of them. Tommorow I have a test and a paper due. Life is fun, don't you think?
Anyways, I killed 3 birds with one stone today. Muahaha. There was this talk on Science and Religion today...and they requested a sound (wo)man. Two of my classes offered extra credit to attend this talk. And I couldn't say no to that - hey?
I had a whooping big cuppa coffee right before my presentation to perk me up. And I stayed perked up through the extra-extra credit talk. Which was really funny and annoying. Funny coz everyone around me was falling asleep. And annoying coz I couldn't fall asleep.
I'm still all perked up. Maybe it'll tide me through my study session tonight. And maybe I won't fall asleep on my laptop while writing that paper. And maybe tommorow morning I won't try and cook my oats without water.
I lost my comb for approximately 3 hours. I nearly freaked out for approximately 3 hours. I found my comb after approximately 3 hours. I stopped freaking out after approximately 3 hours. The end.
I couldn't resist. My bladdah looking all cool with 3 female humans. Unfortunately, they are all taken. My dreams of a purple and white wedding are postphoned. Yet again. Boo!
This has been the "unholiest" Holy Week in my life. For the past 18 years of my life, Holy Week meant church every night for a week (or at least 4 days of services). But I guess things are different here. So when I saw that the university was going to have a Good Friday service at noon, I made sure that I'd be going for that.
And I did. But when I got to the chapel, there was no one there.
So I went back to my dorm and did my own little service. I was the pastor, worship leader, liturgist and congregation, all rolled into one. *grins*
So, my thoughts on Good Friday...
Let me start with my professor called JS. He is my Intro to Biblical Literature professor...and he's the american version of Dr. Leong (if you know him), only crazier. Like Dr. Leong, he is BIG on social justice, carries way too much information in his head, and just plain looks like a genius. But unlike Dr. Leong, he climbs on tables, teaches till he's red in the face and makes funny/weird noises to get his point across. He also makes me go cuckoo by giving us crazy-hard papers to write. But that's besides the point.
So the other day, we were going through Matthew 26...about the woman who anointed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume. We came to the part where Jesus rebuked Judas saying, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me..." And as he read that verse, he broke down in tears.
Tip: When your professor starts crying, it is time for you to wake up and pay attention. I'm just sayin'...
He explained to us that that verse was the basis of Mother Theresa's ministry - to "Do something beautiful for God". It was no wonder that he got all emotional, seeing that he is really into social justice and all.
Anyways, today being Good Friday and all, I took a listen to Planet Shaker's "Jesus, Beautiful Savior". Credit goes to Hannah for introducing this song to me. Anyways, here goes: .
It struck me that Jesus did the most beautiful thing for us - he chose death so that I might have life. And in return, I want to do something beautiful for God. I don't know about you, but that kinda freaks me out. Coz Jesus' version of beautiful was kinda ugly, and Mother Theresa's version of beautiful was kinda dirty.
But I find courage in knowing that Jesus said,"...she has done a beautiful thing for me..."
Ahh...after a rather long week last week...I had a nice day of R&R 2 1/2 hour lab class got cancelled...and I purposely took the day off from work so that I could have an extra long break. Man it was good!
Sure I spent the whole time preparing a presentation for my evening class...but that 6 hours to myself was joy.
*snuggles snuggle snuggle*
On a seperate note...I fell down the other day, and skinned my knee...the same knee that has a marvolous "V" shaped scar from tripping and falling on some rocks...the same knee that has a lovely discolouration from the time I fainted, busted my knee open, and let it get infected.
I now have another scar to my collection...but what amused me the most was...the moment I fell down, my friend goes, "Gosh, Caryn, you are so clumsy."
One of my friends talked me into volunteering to set up for this art festival thingy...and seriously, I dunno where all the men were...because 7 of us girls ended up with the job of transfering a donkey number of metal shelves down a hill. My muscles are still quivering.
But pain is good...right? No pain, no gain...right?
After that we did some weeding. And I found a root so long I thought it was a carrot.
5 hours later, we got back on campus and I had to get ready for some dinner-induction ceremony I jumped into the shower to disinfect myself...squeezed into a dress...and off I went...
After the whole thingy, I got side tracked a group of people playing basketball...I must have been a sight, running around with a big ol' ball in a dress and heels.
Oh rachHubs, you'd be proud to know that I made my first swish in 9 months on my fifth first (ahhem!!) shot. The first four may or may not have been air balls.