Monday, April 20, 2009

Bread and Wine.

I take Holy Communion seriously...really, I do...but sometimes, things happen, and I get all giggly at the altar...

Take for example, the time I was kneeling down at the communion rail, right where the latch to let the pastor in and out was...The latch unhooked itself...and I nearly fell prostrate at Pastor's feet.

Or the time I had hiccups. Hic...hic...HIC...

Or the time I got sandwiched in between two people so I could hardly breathe, much less move.

Today was no exception. I was at Evensong (Chapel)...and we had holy communion. This time, they decided to do things differently: we were to line up and serve the person behind us the bread and the juice. So we'd receive the sacraments from the person in front, and then turn around and give the person behind us the bread saying, "this is the body of the Lord broken for you..." and then the cup saying, "this is the blood of the Lord poured out for you..."

Simple? Yeah. That was until the person in front of me broke a whooping big hunk of bread for me. I stared at the bread. It was HUGE. What should I do? Eat it in 2 bites? 1 bite? Faint?

At that moment of indecision, I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth. Then I turned around to serve the girl behind me...and I was like, *big eyes* DIE. I can't talk.

And then it happened, I started giggling. And choking. It probably lasted 3 seconds, but I thought I was going to go into a spasm. Thank God that girl was nice, she whispered, "it's OK", took the bread and juice from me and motioned for me to go.

I fled.

2 minutes later, I managed to swallow the bread and calm myself down into a meditative mode. But seriously...

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