Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jacked up on Caffine and Joo Joo Beans

Don't ask me what Joo Joo Beans are. I'm jacked up on caffine and joo joo beans, so my use of strange vocabulary is justified.

So I pulled another 10 hour work day. Plus 2 classes on top of that. And a "20% of my grade" presentation in one of them. Tommorow I have a test and a paper due. Life is fun, don't you think?

Anyways, I killed 3 birds with one stone today. Muahaha. There was this talk on Science and Religion today...and they requested a sound (wo)man. Two of my classes offered extra credit to attend this talk. And I couldn't say no to that - hey?

I had a whooping big cuppa coffee right before my presentation to perk me up. And I stayed perked up through the extra-extra credit talk. Which was really funny and annoying. Funny coz everyone around me was falling asleep. And annoying coz I couldn't fall asleep.

I'm still all perked up. Maybe it'll tide me through my study session tonight. And maybe I won't fall asleep on my laptop while writing that paper. And maybe tommorow morning I won't try and cook my oats without water.

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