Tuesday, April 7, 2009


*snuggles into a warm ball of contentment*

Ahh...after a rather long week last week...I had a nice day of R&R today...my 2 1/2 hour lab class got cancelled...and I purposely took the day off from work so that I could have an extra long break. Man it was good!

Sure I spent the whole time preparing a presentation for my evening class...but that 6 hours to myself was joy.

*snuggles snuggle snuggle*

On a seperate note...I fell down the other day, and skinned my knee...the same knee that has a marvolous "V" shaped scar from tripping and falling on some rocks...the same knee that has a lovely discolouration from the time I fainted, busted my knee open, and let it get infected.

I now have another scar to my collection...but what amused me the most was...the moment I fell down, my friend goes, "Gosh, Caryn, you are so clumsy."

I guess I haven't changed that much.

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