Thursday, April 29, 2010

Long live the Nokia.

I own a Nokia. To be specific, I own a brick of a NOKIA spelled with capitals instead of a sleek and pretty nokia spelled with italics. Its the only type of phone I should be allowed to have, because of its apparent resistance to abuse.

No, I'm not talking about the occasional 3 foot drop from the table to the floor. I'm not even referring to the time I was jogging down the road and the NOKIA leaped out of my pocketsess onto the gravel road and broke into like 352 pieces. Of course I picked up every one of those 491 pieces and put it back together, and voila! It worked.

I am referring to today when I visited the Ladies. After I did my business, I flushed and turned around. At that moment the NOKIA leaped out of my pocketsess (again!!) into the water.

*The next part is censored*

So I ran to the sink to wash my hands and the phone. And pulled everything apart, resisting the urge to turn it on, I went back to the office, pulled out a floor fan and directed it at my phone, leaving it there for a good 4 hours.

And let me tell you what, when we put it back together and turned it on, the NOKIA lived. Not only that, my SMS service which had previously been dead was miraculously resurrected. I tell you, toilet water is the new wonder drug.

Long live the NOKIA.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I finally feel like I've got school under control. My attempt at not being a nerd this semester...failed.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

'ell week 2

My boss proclaimed last week to be 'ell week. Seems like every single organization under the sun is trying to push in "one last event" before the academic year goes out. And the boss and his little minions get to set up for every single one of these events.

Being a minion sounds cute. But that's the extent of anything positive that has to go with that. That is besides being paid. Pay is good too.

So yeah, that was last week. This week was 'ell x2. Because on top of work, lecturers are beginning to realize that there are only 2 weeks left of the semester to give homework, quizzes, tests, papers and presentations.

And so, coffee has become part of my life again.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


2 weeks ago, I blogged about raising funds for Relay for Life. Last night was the event itself, where we camped outside all night to raise awareness for cancer.

Yeah, sooo...our team sold egg rolls as part of our fundraising efforts. Deep fried, fat laden, artery blocking nuggets wrapped up in a golden-brown-and-delicious wrapper. So basically, we are endorsing that its okay to have a cardiovascular disease, just as long as it is not cancer. rotf!

I'll skip to the exciting part to where the electric deep fryer konked out and we brought out the good old fashion gas burner. And I'll skip the argument about how the weird odor we were smelling was really just the plastic table melting under the heat (carcinogens, I know!). And I will fast forward to the point where I had just moved 2 feet away from the gas burner and BOOM!! The whole contraption exploded.

Good job guys.

Thank God no one got hurt. The only two victims of war was a fellow cook's hair which got singed at the ends, and a couple uncooked egg rolls which caught fire. And because laughter makes everything bad and scary better, we had a good laugh at the expense of our war heroes.

So yes, that's the story of how I nearly lost my eyebrows. I can tell you for a fact that life does switch to slow-mo when things like these happen. And your life does kinda flash before your eyes, in a surreal and totally "huh!?' way. But I can also tell you for a fact that there is a someone up there who does keep watch over us. =)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My talent in life.

Caryn did what she was best at and locked herself out of her room again. She thought she'd share that with the world. Not that the world reads her blog. Not that she wishes the world reads her blog. She really doesn't want the world to read her blog.

Caryn did what she was best at and went off topic...

Friday, April 2, 2010


One year ago, I blogged about Good Friday. It inspired me then, and it kinda still does. Especially because I just enrolled for nursing school (like for real, no turning back after this) today, and its really starting to sink in that I may end up doing a not-so-beautiful job for the rest of my life.

But yes. I'm enrolled in Nursing School. That is, after advising my adviser that I have all the pre-requisites and hours taken care of, and that I don't need summer school because I had it all planned out from the first day I stepped on American soil. I'm such a control freak. And that ain't necessarily a good thing.

So back to my train of thought. Last year, on April 3, 2009, I ran out of deodorant. And had to make an emergency trip to the Walmarts to get me some doodad. Today is April 3, 2010. I'm making the same emergency trip to the Walmarts to get me some of that doodad. Heh. Maybe I live in a world of deja-vu's.