No, I'm not talking about the occasional 3 foot drop from the table to the floor. I'm not even referring to the time I was jogging down the road and the NOKIA leaped out of my pocketsess onto the gravel road and broke into like 352 pieces. Of course I picked up every one of those 491 pieces and put it back together, and voila! It worked.
I am referring to today when I visited the Ladies. After I did my business, I flushed and turned around. At that moment the NOKIA leaped out of my pocketsess (again!!) into the water.
*The next part is censored*
So I ran to the sink to wash my hands and the phone. And pulled everything apart, resisting the urge to turn it on, I went back to the office, pulled out a floor fan and directed it at my phone, leaving it there for a good 4 hours.
And let me tell you what, when we put it back together and turned it on, the NOKIA lived. Not only that, my SMS service which had previously been dead was miraculously resurrected. I tell you, toilet water is the new wonder drug.
Long live the NOKIA.