Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two and One

I am 21.

I am legal. 'nuff said.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Motivationless? Undermotivated? Non-motivated?

I have spent the last couple hours on my butt on my couch in front of the entertainment center in my apartment studying. Or trying to. The drive to pass nursing school and graduate is at a record low right now.

But back to the entertainment center. The entertainment center is for show only. The TV has been turned on 3 times in the last 3 months, and its sole purpose is to make the apartment look less nerdy. So anyways, I have been staring at it for the last couple hours, and couldn't help but LQTM (laugh quietly to myself) at a little incident that happened when the roommate and I first moved in...

So this is the unentertaining entertainment center that has been used 3 times in the last 3 months. Take note of the aircon vents above it. It is very important.
So there's the roommate on the left trying to decide where to hang the picture. And that's my on the floor on my butt watching her.

I also decided to offer my helpful advice.

Or not so helpful...

...annoying even...

...maddening, maybe?

Ok, so maybe I was a little too much...

...or a lot too much...

Yeah, definately A LOT too much...

But finally...EUREKA!
And thats the story of the entertainment center. THE END.

Well, now that I've wasted the past hour on this blog post, I guess it is time to get back to sitting on my butt on my couch in front of the entertainment center in my apartment studying. Or trying to.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Of Rainbows, Loopiness and Breaking the Fall

This has been an exceedingly exciting week involving rainbows and loopiness. Ending with a much welcome fall break.

It was probably a mixture of knowing I was nearing break and having to deal with rainbows that put me a little over the top. Well, right now, I'm over and off the top. But that rainbow day, I was pretty much on Mount Everest. So much so that when I went in to work, my boss accused me of being in love. Yes. I was that loopy.

So that rainbow day, a bunch of my nursing friends and I donned our smurfy outfits and took our smurfy bee-hinds to this preschool to hold a mini health fair. Each one of us had a little booth and of course, I chose to have mine on nutrition because I love my veggies.

I taught them how to eat the rainbow. Pretty cheesy, but when you have a group of wide eyed preschoolers inhaling everything you say, its pretty amazing. Cheese is amazing too.

That was one of my groups of preschoolers inhaling what I had to say to them. The picture is blurred out in case there are any pedophiles reading my blog!!! Grrr, go away!

I must say, 6 years teaching sunday school really gives you a heads up on how to communicate to kids. Yes ma, I took notes.

But at the end of the day, it is my nursing buddies that made that rainbow day so great. Without them, I'd fail, drop out of school, and spend the rest of my life picking coca-cola cans off the ground.

So plans for fall break? Well, I have a "to do list" of assignments that I need to get out of the way so that I don't fail, drop out of school, and spend the rest of my life picking coca-cola cans off the ground.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What happens before an exam...

Sometimes its just easier to blog in facebookian. It gives a rather accurate picture of your thought processes at the instant your status got updated. And sometimes, during periods of craziness, the status updates can be rather amusing. This was my weekend:

Friday at 5:01 am
Evidently, my body was already in stress mode. For the last 3 nights, I had been waking up at ungodly hours - sans the alarm clock. My pathophysiology - geared brain immediately blamed the pineal gland for the lack of production of melatonin, which in turn caused me to awaken at those ungodly hours. Or something like that.

Saturday at 11:45 am

I had been staring at fluid and electrolytes all morning. Memorizing lab values and other numbers that I probably never need to know again. And it struck me how much I heart my form 4-form 5 chemistry teacher for pounding all those electrolytes into my poor little adolecent brain.

Saturday at 3:23 pm

Sometime that afternoon, I walked my sleepy head across the street to pick up coffee because my head was sleepy. I had a temporary caffiene high that resulted in random word association post. Believe it or not, it actually makes a nursing nursing students.

Saturday at 9:59 pm

That evening, I finished reading about endocrine disorders and moved on to the GI tract, also known as GUTS. Take note that the caffiene high had worn off.

Sunday at 1:27 pm

The next day, after church, I fixed myself another cuppa coffee and became inspired. Coffee makes me pee, and stay awake. Why not put the two and two together? So I did, and by the number of "likes", I must say it was a little bit genius.

I took the test today, but have no desire to post anything on fb about it. But I will say this, unlike most sane people who go out to celebrate surviving an exam, I came home, cooked for the week, cleaned my apartment and tried to do my laundry. Tried and failed. But that's another story for another day.