Monday, October 10, 2011

What happens before an exam...

Sometimes its just easier to blog in facebookian. It gives a rather accurate picture of your thought processes at the instant your status got updated. And sometimes, during periods of craziness, the status updates can be rather amusing. This was my weekend:

Friday at 5:01 am
Evidently, my body was already in stress mode. For the last 3 nights, I had been waking up at ungodly hours - sans the alarm clock. My pathophysiology - geared brain immediately blamed the pineal gland for the lack of production of melatonin, which in turn caused me to awaken at those ungodly hours. Or something like that.

Saturday at 11:45 am

I had been staring at fluid and electrolytes all morning. Memorizing lab values and other numbers that I probably never need to know again. And it struck me how much I heart my form 4-form 5 chemistry teacher for pounding all those electrolytes into my poor little adolecent brain.

Saturday at 3:23 pm

Sometime that afternoon, I walked my sleepy head across the street to pick up coffee because my head was sleepy. I had a temporary caffiene high that resulted in random word association post. Believe it or not, it actually makes a nursing nursing students.

Saturday at 9:59 pm

That evening, I finished reading about endocrine disorders and moved on to the GI tract, also known as GUTS. Take note that the caffiene high had worn off.

Sunday at 1:27 pm

The next day, after church, I fixed myself another cuppa coffee and became inspired. Coffee makes me pee, and stay awake. Why not put the two and two together? So I did, and by the number of "likes", I must say it was a little bit genius.

I took the test today, but have no desire to post anything on fb about it. But I will say this, unlike most sane people who go out to celebrate surviving an exam, I came home, cooked for the week, cleaned my apartment and tried to do my laundry. Tried and failed. But that's another story for another day.

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