Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: The FB Way.

You can tell a lot about a person by his/her facebook status. You get to know one's personality, lifestyle, what's important to them, what dominates their life and who they really are. Or at least, who they what you to think they really are.

So this is me in 2010 - the facebook way. At least this is who I want you to think I am.


  • A 7 hour shopping trip to the biggest mall in america and one hoodie to show for it. I am pathetic.
  • told her brother that she was not going to say anything so that she could say something without saying anything. Merry Christmas to all. =) I am passive aggressive.
  • you know you are a nursing student when you start to pick out "good veins" on random people.
  • Upon crashing a bachelor's pad: So I braved the cold to buy GIRLY soap because I didn't want to smell like a MAN 2 days in a row. I like to smell man-scents on men. Not me.
  • I paid 10 bucks to freeze my butt off? Flew up to Minnesota for Christmas with the brother. FOR 10 DOLLARS! =P
  • part of me would rather be studying than waiting.
  • So finals are done with and my fb fast is over.
  • Le Tran is taking a break from fb until finals week. Lets hope that she stays sober. Lets hope I stay sober I changed my study buddy's password and we fasted from facebook for our finals.
  • ‎11 hours of sleep! Recovering from Chicago.


  • Got back in one piece. Thank you God, coffee and sour gummies. (in that order) 12 hours on the road.
  • Survived a day in Chicago.
  • Has so much clothes on it's not even funny.
  • Cruise control rocks my world. Road trip to CHICAGO! In the dead of winter. Hence the next post.
  • I live. Amen.
  • My life is on hold until Monday 4:59pm. Yes, I plan to take that test in 59 minutes.
  • no more fried rice for me. x_x Cooked the worse fried rice I ever made for a cafeteria load of people. Impromtu.
  • Note to self: do not roll egg rolls on the caf wwand then go to work. Chances are you will
  • forget to remove your hair net and get weird looks.
  • Has poofy hair related to too many exams as evidenced by falling asleep before hair dried.
  • So my teacher told me that consuming alcohol makes you smarter. According to the theory of the survival of the fittest, alcohol kills off the dumb brain cells leaving you smarter!
  • high on not enough sleep. Beware of crash within next 24 hours.
  • wants to thank whoever thought of daylight savings. I need that extra hour.
  • is wearing her "Warning: Beware of the Nurse" t-shirt tonight. I needed the extra motivation.
  • Not failing is the new "A".
  • bought a plane ticket for 10 bucks. This is so exciting!


  • Thank you much for all the bday wishes! I think I can handle being stalked once a year. Love you all. =) Happy birthday to me.
  • thinks its cool she gets wishes one day in advance. Thanks guys
  • nearly "reported" that her "patient" had urine in her blood.
  • is almost halfway to the first half of the first half of the second half of her university career.
  • 's new toy works!!
  • had 9 hours of sleep + a lazy morning. Caryn Tan is happy.
  • just needs a 75...
  • will sleep tonight!
  • Learning about pee makes me want to pee. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happen with the next chapter.
  • Nursing Instructor: Is there a gentleman in here who's willing to take off his shirt?
  • my weekends need to take a suppressant. Right now they are on speed.


  • hanging on by 4hours and a grande latte.
  • week 6!
  • done!! For now...
  • woke up crabby. Had a reality check in the bathroom. Is no longer crabby. =)
  • ummm...=)
  • survived exam 2.
  • survived exam 1.
  • sees the penlight at the end of the tunnel. Maybe.
  • sold her life to the cheeseblock. aka I began nursing school.


  • smoked up the apartment with chilli fumes. Muahaha.
  • is certified to punch people in the gut, shatter ribs and administer electric shocks. BEWARE. CPR certified.
  • ‎24 hours in America and my hair has already calmed down. Whoot!
  • clean house, sleep, or unpack? hmmm... Back in America.
  • KLIA-HKG-SFO-DEN-OKC. Fly away home.
  • has a stack of things on top of her luggage bag that should probably be packed.
  • You know you are about to leave when your parents start pestering you about "what else you want to eat".


  • got locked out of her house and squeezed in through the grill gate. No kidding.
  • will be MIA for the week. Redang Beach!
  • is officially gonna be stuck with Lakin Diane Smith , Heather Peden & Bethany Layman for the next 9 months! =)
  • found a kindred spirit in Lisa Ng. =)
  • got woken up by some serious pounding. Wesleychurchians, faster raise the full sum so I don't have to deal with this next year. =P


  • beat the cwap out of the old junky computer.
  • kissed a car and did not like it. First accident. No casualties.
  • kicked a box and lost half a toe nail. Anger management issues. Or maybe I'm just clumsy.
  • spent 7 hours shopping and only bought one thing. Help. This obviously is a problem. Refer to December's last status update.
  • had the best bus/lrt ride home thanks to Choon Mui Soh. Thanks for the company.
  • nearly crashed at 4pm. But I PULLED thru.
  • needs to clorox her feet. Camp = dirty feet.
  • dead duck. Quaaaackeetthhhss.... Survived KIDS Camp.


  • is high on glue and aerosol spray. And caffeine, lets not forget that.
  • is 3" x 9" closer to June 5, 2010.
  • spent an hour in a smelly can of sardines. Ooops, I meant LRT
  • is burried under a stack of paperwork. I long for the day I can see the top of my desk again.
  • got stabbed 3 time. Curse them baby veins.
  • is obsessing over a submarine.
  • has new job blurcase syndrome. AGAIN. New job.
  • its snowing in my room! Wait, no, its just styrofoam... Props!
  • has probably gained 10 pounds since touching down. munch munch.
  • had an awesome shower in her own bathroom!!! SHOWER TIME!
  • has landed in the land of aunty Lisa Ng. Hong Kong.
  • is leaving...NOW.
  • has boxes up to her chin. Packing.
  • needs to attach her head on her neck again.
  • Yeah I'm in, but don't worry, I 'll run over...or knock on my window and I'll go over or something. Aparently i was such a ding bat that I posted a wall to wall post on my status.
  • ‎3 down, 1 to go. And then I go nuts.
  • ‎2 down, 2 to go...
  • and so...IT begins... Finals of Spring 2010 week begins.
  • ‎1 bee + 3 girls = lotsa squealing


  • IT LIVES!!!! My phone survived the toilet bowl!
  • dropped her phone in the toilet bowl. (After flushing, thank goodness) Contact me via facebook or my room phone.
  • final week!!!
  • wants Alexis Caron to know that she is done with her paper. No more writer's block.
  • stuck! More writer's block.
  • it is coming. I shall make it come! Writer's block.
  • is off off and away!!!!
  • apparently i'm married again. Lol
  • gone gone gone!!!
  • be still my heart, you are here. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
  • needs her weekend to start like NOW.
  • had her crash.
  • is waiting for the crash.
  • was, is or will be high on coffee tonight.
  • fell asleep on her laptop again.
  • went and locked herself out of her room. Thank you mr. nice RA for letting me in.
  • wants daddy to do her taxes for her.
  • remembers her Lord's love for her. =)
  • mochi. mochi. and more mochi.


  • pooped out. No more!!!
  • is home alone!
  • refuses to leave her apartment due to crazy weather conditions even to get groceries. Right now, I'd rather starve.
  • New Malaysian restaurant on 23rd street. Go give them business so they won't shut down and I can have Malaysian food anytime I want
  • SPWINGBWEAKURHEREMUAX!!! Spring break you are here. Muax.
  • SPWINGBWEAKURAMOSTHEREYAAAAY! Spring break you are almost here. Yay.
  • has fat hair today. Thank you rain and wind.
  • dances in the moonshine..
  • hearts hearts hearts the weather.
  • rebels against dismounting, fixing, and replacing that beast. Switching out giant projectors ain't pretty.


  • Someone threw bird food at me. Boy was she embarassed. Bwuahahahaa...
  • The plumber in my bathroom sounds like he's going into labour. And yes, I spell labour the British way.
  • I will arise and go now to...
  • who's watching ice dancing tonight? =) Olympics?
  • had a good laugh with Le Tran at the expense of someone, involving Lakin Diane Smith. Something tells me that there was an unforgetably funny story here...only thing is, I can't remember it.
  • go to the Great Hall at 11:30 with 3 bucks coz I say so.
  • does not want to look at another MSB Class Schedule again. Ever. Period. The end. Amen.
  • needs to kill this backache.
  • has Mondanitis...
  • You know that you have been spending too much time in Microbiology lab when you think the grass peaking out through the melting snow looks like a petri dish of microorganisms.
    slept funny last night.


  • needs to stop putting things off. She also needs to stop saying that and start doing stuff!!
  • Trust me, you should wait 5 minutes after waking before croaking into a phone. Nobody
  • understands you when you are delusional.
  • is soooo stuffed. She really nak tidur lah...
  • aku nak tidur lah...
  • is selling her human A&P textbook. Any buyers?
  • is cold. Too cold.
  • is back to work.
  • didn't know calling in sick could be so fufilling. =)
  • =) I guess I started my new year with a smiley face.

So that was my review of 2010. It is safe to conclude that I am a nerdaholic who studies and works all the time. This nerdaholic also does not like cold and loves to sleep. Goodbye 2010.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

News from the north.

So I left off a week and a half ago with a cryptic post that probably left all of you on the edge of your seats in suspense. Right? Right? Hellooo? Anybody home?



Its okay, at least I know my parents visit this page once in a blue moon. Hi parents.

So here's the deal. I passed all my papers and managed not to be kicked out of the programme. It has been my worst semester gradewise, but probably the most interesting. And after 4 months of slogging, I can state as a fact that I don't hate nursing. Giving people shots is fun and poop is tolerable. The secret is to breathe through your teeth.


And here I am in Minnesota, spending Christmas/New Years with the big brother. I get to nag him, bum off him, watch movies all day, do nothing all day, sleep early, sleep late, DO WHATEVER THE COW WANTS BESIDES STUDY. I also get to bundle up like an eskimo and take 4 hour tramps in the snow explore the big brother's hood.

Turns out, after bundling up like a fat polar bear, complete with cap, gloves and chunky snow boots, going out in negative degree weather ain't half too bad. Or maybe its the layer of blubber from all the chirstmas consumables protecting me from the fridgid cold. But I choose to believe that my "keep warm mantra" is the thing protecting me from turning into a icicle.

I am warm. It is not cold. I am warm. It is not cold. I am warm. It is not cold. I am warm...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And now the waiting begins.

She had one hour of joy before grades started getting posted. And now she is a wreck.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Finals week.

You know you are approaching finals week when...

...your study buddies crash on your couch/floor/bathtub. Okay, maybe not the bathtub.
...your laptop overheats on the cooling pad.
...your refrigerator is empty. eat canned soup for dinner. run to the store to buy frozen dinners to feed all the study buddies crashing on you couch/floor/bathtub.
...your dinning table is 95% a study table and 5% a dinning table. get a permanent groove on your forehead due to multiple catnaps. make an oath not to get on facebook. And you keep it. change your study buddy's facebook password. see your study group so often you think you'll go mad. have so many microsoft office documents open at the same time you get confused. start calculating how much you need on your finals to get an A, an A-, a B+, a B, a B-.
...darn it! you start calculating how much you need on your finals to just pass. blog about what you are doing for finals week. update your blog post every time you think of something to add to the list.

update: wear your "beware of the nurse" tee shirt for inspiration. wear you smurf hat for inspiration. park yourself in the library for 12 hours. drink caffiene. Lots of it. start talking about the randomest things. Ranging from cats to boys to poop to xyphoid processes and back to poop again. (Don't judge, I'm a nursing major k?)
...zits start popping out like mushrooms after the rain.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Windy City

They call Chicago the windy city; which really isn't all that exciting considering that I come from the (self proclaimed) windy state of oklahoma. But Chicago is a 13 hour drive north from where I am, and at this time of the year, north = COLD.

But for some unexplainable reason, a friend and I decided to take that 13 hour drive northward in winter instead being sane and staying home watching movies with a big mug of hot chocolate and a turkey carcass in the trashcan.
So that's me taking my first driving shift. For the first time in my life, I thanked my creator that I have a butt, because my bee-hind was nice and numb after each shift. I can't imagine what it would be like if my hiney wasn't as well cushioned as it is.

So we stopped by the University of Illinois to crash at my DNA ex-roommate's apartment which was a ton of fun coz a bunch of other Malaysians decided to crash at her apartment too and after two days, the Malaysianess had its effect on me: all the lah's and aduhai's started sputtering out of my mouth like nobody's business. I even got all excited when I saw an angmor in the car in front of us. That is, until I realised I was still in America and I was supposed to see angmors in the cars in front of me.

But yeah, we went to chicago and took pictures by the bean. Because that is what tourist do. They go to the bean, gasp at their reflection in the bean, take pictures of themselves in the bean, ask people to take pictures of them and the bean, and finally walk away from the bean.
So we wandered around chicago for a bit...and met up with some fellow OCU kids for Chicago Deep Dish Pizza. Again. Trust me when I say one slice is enough. Unless you are a guy...coz culinary rules fail to apply to guys.

And that's Chicago at night. Kinda looks like KL from my bedroom. Lol.

The next day we went to the aquarium to look at fishies before driving all the way back home. Which means we reached at 2 am. Half dead, but still breathing.