Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dirty Dishes

There is a stack of pots and pans in my kitchen sink that needs a-washing. Like, a REALLY big stack. Thank God for paper plates, but someone should really look into making paper pots and pans!! Anyways, let me back up, rewind, and start from the beginning before you turn into confused hamsters.

I'm doing a fund-raising project for cancer. Or as I was told, for annihilating cancer. Because nobody really wants to donate money for people to get cancer, you know? But I digress.

So I'm doing this fund-raising thing to raise awareness against cancer and I've to raise $100 bucks. Which really isn't a big deal if you have like 6 grandparents and 10 uncles/aunties and 59 godparents to go beg for money from. I have one brother living in The States. One VERY generous brother...but sometimes, quantity beats quality.

So I decided to go bug my cell group, get them over for lunch, make them eat, and then force them pay up. Or something to that effect. Which was a good thing because someone had to help eat up the 10 pounds of chicken I bought one a whim because it was going for 39 cents a pound. And someone had to eat up the curry and sambal paste that has been sitting in my freezer since August because its no fun eating a pot of curry all by yourself for a week. And someone had to help me raise a hundred bucks because I don't have 73.532 relatives to extort money from. So I made nasi lemak with chicken rendang. And it was yummilicious. And I only have $10 dollars to go!

On hindsight, I shouldn't describe the chicken rendang as mildly spicy and the sambal as spicy. Some ang-mors have too much faith in your concept of 'mildly spicy' and that doesn't usually end well. I'm just sayin'...

So yes, back to the stack of pots and pans in the kitchen sink...

Friday, March 26, 2010

1 picture, 3 stories.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one, is worth 3 stories.

Story #1: Malachite Green Stain
Klumsies like me should not be allowed in Science Labs. Chances are that when performing a bacterial microscope slide stain, klumsies like me will choose the Malachite Green Stain with the loose cover and proceed to spill it all over the table. Chances are that klumsies like me will also get it all over their hands and arms. (Be thankful I'm not showing you the other side of my hand!!) Also note that klumsies like me do not possess special skin that allows the dye to be washed off. I guess klumsies like me will just have to be resigned to freakish alien-green splotches of skin for the next few weeks.

Story #2: Home Alone
I am home alone. The roommates have abandoned me and gone to Boston for some conference. That's the reason why I am not in my room but am in the kitchen, taking over the dining table (and every other square inch of the living room). Muahaha. I bet I'll miss them after a while, but for the next few days I reign supreme.

Story #3: Curry Mee
Sue me, but when you are marooned on a yummiliciousless country, you get rather excited about food from home. Check out the bowls of curry mee over my left shoulder waiting for my friends to come and consume. *drools*

Excuse me, I need to go and wipe away my drool. Peace.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pak Cham Kai

And...I am back in shorts again. The sun came up and FRIED the snow. Muahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I am most eager for the sun to fry my winter-white pak cham kai-ed legs as well.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring where'd ya go?!?!?


*sniff sniff*

I mean, like really? Its supposed to be spring ya know? I was running around in a t-shirt and shorts yesterday ya know? It dropped 30*C overnight ya know? I'm depressed ya know?


Spring, where'd ya go?? And Spring Break, where'd YA go?!?!

Ah well, this one week break was good while it lasted. I hibernated, like I always do over breaks.

I slept. A lot: sleepover in teeny chairs.
Movied. A lot: LOTR trilogy. Yes I am mad.
Ate. A lot: discovered a Malaysian restaurant across the street.
And its almost over. Spring break, where'd ya go?? Come back.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mad Cow Disease

There are choices in life we have to make. Like choosing between dragging (literally) one's self out of bed to show up to work - late, disheveled, high on goodness knows what and aching all over. Or choosing between suffering a headache in bed or suffering a headache in class WHILE earning bonus points for perfect attendance. Or choosing between making food or sleeping away any hunger pangs that may arise.

But sometimes choices are made for you. Like when your boss sends you home for looking like crap. Or when a midterm gets postphoned for 2 weeks. And then you know, that someone's really watching over you!!

p.s. I'm fine now, there are few things that 15 hours of sleep followed by a 3 hour nap and another 10 hours of sleep the following night cannot cure.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

In the event of a carb overload...

Here comes another Friday night,
And she squeals aloud in pure delight,
For a swift glide over satin ice,
Alas she falls not once but twice.

Just so you know, I've been skating ever since I was 8. But you know what? I've been falling since the day I was born, and I guess I just am better at that.

She falls butt-first on the ground,
A gasp or two comes from around,
Up she pops with a smile for all,
And limps to the bench against the wall.

Knocking one's tailbone out of alignment certainly makes one famished. And after a carb overload, we felt the need to scale a fence and sneak into the baseball field to work off the extra glucose in our systems.

In the event of a carb overload,
Take a short run across the road,
Jump a fence and pose on the mound,
All the while dancing and prancing around.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


You have no idea how badly my mood is affected by the weather. For the past 3 months, I'd get cranky each time I stepped out of my apartment. Like seriously, I'd get an instant mood crash. Its not even funny.

I know you are laughing.

Stop it.

But today was pretty. Almost like Windows 7.

Boss: So what do you know about Windows 7?
Me: [dreamy look] Its pweety...
Boss: [rolls eyes]

So yes, today was a very pweety day, full of sunshine and comparatively warm air. I think I see a glimer of light through the tunnel. Winter's over, baby!