There is a stack of pots and pans in my kitchen sink that needs a-washing. Like, a REALLY big stack. Thank God for paper plates, but someone should really look into making paper pots and pans!! Anyways, let me back up, rewind, and start from the beginning before you turn into confused hamsters.
I'm doing a fund-raising project for cancer. Or as I was told, for annihilating cancer. Because nobody really wants to donate money for people to get cancer, you know? But I digress.
So I'm doing this fund-raising thing to raise awareness against cancer and I've to raise $100 bucks. Which really isn't a big deal if you have like 6 grandparents and 10 uncles/aunties and 59 godparents to go beg for money from. I have one brother living in The States. One VERY generous brother...but sometimes, quantity beats quality.
So I decided to go bug my cell group, get them over for lunch, make them eat, and then force them pay up. Or something to that effect. Which was a good thing because someone had to help eat up the 10 pounds of chicken I bought one a whim because it was going for 39 cents a pound. And someone had to eat up the curry and sambal paste that has been sitting in my freezer since August because its no fun eating a pot of curry all by yourself for a week. And someone had to help me raise a hundred bucks because I don't have 73.532 relatives to extort money from. So I made nasi lemak with chicken rendang. And it was yummilicious. And I only have $10 dollars to go!
On hindsight, I shouldn't describe the chicken rendang as mildly spicy and the sambal as spicy. Some ang-mors have too much faith in your concept of 'mildly spicy' and that doesn't usually end well. I'm just sayin'...
So yes, back to the stack of pots and pans in the kitchen sink...
I'm doing a fund-raising project for cancer. Or as I was told, for annihilating cancer. Because nobody really wants to donate money for people to get cancer, you know? But I digress.
So I'm doing this fund-raising thing to raise awareness against cancer and I've to raise $100 bucks. Which really isn't a big deal if you have like 6 grandparents and 10 uncles/aunties and 59 godparents to go beg for money from. I have one brother living in The States. One VERY generous brother...but sometimes, quantity beats quality.
So I decided to go bug my cell group, get them over for lunch, make them eat, and then force them pay up. Or something to that effect. Which was a good thing because someone had to help eat up the 10 pounds of chicken I bought one a whim because it was going for 39 cents a pound. And someone had to eat up the curry and sambal paste that has been sitting in my freezer since August because its no fun eating a pot of curry all by yourself for a week. And someone had to help me raise a hundred bucks because I don't have 73.532 relatives to extort money from. So I made nasi lemak with chicken rendang. And it was yummilicious. And I only have $10 dollars to go!
On hindsight, I shouldn't describe the chicken rendang as mildly spicy and the sambal as spicy. Some ang-mors have too much faith in your concept of 'mildly spicy' and that doesn't usually end well. I'm just sayin'...
So yes, back to the stack of pots and pans in the kitchen sink...