Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mad Cow Disease

There are choices in life we have to make. Like choosing between dragging (literally) one's self out of bed to show up to work - late, disheveled, high on goodness knows what and aching all over. Or choosing between suffering a headache in bed or suffering a headache in class WHILE earning bonus points for perfect attendance. Or choosing between making food or sleeping away any hunger pangs that may arise.

But sometimes choices are made for you. Like when your boss sends you home for looking like crap. Or when a midterm gets postphoned for 2 weeks. And then you know, that someone's really watching over you!!

p.s. I'm fine now, there are few things that 15 hours of sleep followed by a 3 hour nap and another 10 hours of sleep the following night cannot cure.

1 comment:

noel.em said...

Hey Caryn,

My blog you're linked to is kind of dead. This is the one where all the action is happening. Haha.