Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I need to...

work out.

And no, I don't mean go to the gym. I do that enough. Okay fine, I don't do it enough, but I do go every other day which is pretty impressive for my lazy bum. What I do mean is that I need to be able to lift amplifiers and transport a cart load of computers and haul a/v carts with flat tires without having my face turn purple. And dismount projectors and mount them back on to the ceiling without feeling like a taugeh.

You see, last year, I had a semester of weight training (which I still have no idea how I got into) and you guys saw the result when I came home last summer. Well, lets just say that I have lost some of that buffness and regained most of my ability to become a purple taugeh.

Today I realized that as I attempted to dismount a huge-a** projector without falling flat on my face and have it fall on top of me. That would definitely bring the height of my nose into the negative.

Eventually it came down. I fixed it, and eventually it went back up. But something tells me that maybe I should venture to the other side of the gym...away from the female dominated cardio machines...into the realm of egoistic guys pumping iron...and blow the dust off the pink 5 pound dumbbells.


Or maybe I will remain a purple taugeh.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I woke up this morning and realized that I was related to Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I am, after all siewCOWpau.

Okay, so the zit residing on my nose isn't all that humongous. But a zit...is a zit. And a girl's face...is a face okay?

Talking about faces...
...I have been recruited as AASA's (Asian-American Student Association) Minister of Making Posters. Don't ask me how it started, I'm not sure. Just like I'm not sure how I became dad's powerpoint girl or the sunday school's default "I need a logo" maker.

So the picture above is the promo for AASA's upcoming haircut-fundraising event. Kinda freaky eh? Lol. But yes, freaky is good. Freaky makes people stop and go, "Hey! That's freaky!" Okay, that was lame.

Anyways, a quick heads up for you. I will be getting my haircut sometime this week to remedy the goofball job that the last hairdresser did on my head. So don't be surprised when I come home this May with a Mohawk.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

CNY again.

Last year I celebrated CNY by eating an orange.

This year I upgraded to a pomelo.

God needs to create a watermelo for me next year.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If a political mutt head like me...

If a political mutt head like me can get an A for a Comparative Politics essay...maybe you should start questioning your politicians. I'm jest sayin'...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Confessions of a procrastinator

Getting ready to go to the library to pull an all nighter is like packing for a solo hike through the Sahara Desert. Included in the checklist is caffeine, notes, caffeine, notes, caffeine and caffeine. And caffeine. And caffeine.

You know that...

You know that you have been spending too much time in Microbiology lab when you think the grass peaking out through the melting snow looks like a petri dish of microorganisms.

Monday, February 1, 2010


So I had a glorious 4 day weekend, thanks to the avalanche of ice and snow that came from above. Yes students-up-north-where- the-weather-is-always-awful, my uni shut down just because of an ice storm.

Not that I'm complaining.

I mean, like, who complains about getting a free holiday out of nowhere?

If you do, you need counseling.

But back to me. This blog is about me after all, yes? =D Ahhem!!

Right, so I've spent the past 4 days sleeping at 4am, getting up at 12pm, playing cards/boardgames, watching movies, sleeping some more, freezing my tush off in the snow, sleeping, and hanging out and sleeping. Did I mention that I slept a bunch?

Yes, the only thing productive about my unexpected weekend is my un-productivity. Sue me, I've gotta live.