Saturday, February 20, 2010


I woke up this morning and realized that I was related to Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I am, after all siewCOWpau.

Okay, so the zit residing on my nose isn't all that humongous. But a a zit. And a girl's a face okay?

Talking about faces...
...I have been recruited as AASA's (Asian-American Student Association) Minister of Making Posters. Don't ask me how it started, I'm not sure. Just like I'm not sure how I became dad's powerpoint girl or the sunday school's default "I need a logo" maker.

So the picture above is the promo for AASA's upcoming haircut-fundraising event. Kinda freaky eh? Lol. But yes, freaky is good. Freaky makes people stop and go, "Hey! That's freaky!" Okay, that was lame.

Anyways, a quick heads up for you. I will be getting my haircut sometime this week to remedy the goofball job that the last hairdresser did on my head. So don't be surprised when I come home this May with a Mohawk.

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