Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Poor Bald Cow

On May 11th, 2009, I wandered around KL Central with a HUGE 29" bag, phoneless, trying to find my mama and papa, had my first paper tosai in 9 months, bathed in my own (sweet!) bathroom, peeled taugeh, and ate homemade popiah. I also got my hair cut.

Fast forward 3 months and I found myself back in Mid Valley - in the butcher's chair - getting my hair cut. AGAIN. Apparently, there are no hair-butchers in America. Apparently I have to fly 10,000 miles to chop off the black stuff that sprout-eth from my head. Apparently I digress.

So the unruly mop got mowed today. Do I like it? No. Remind me never to shave my mane so short again. But more than that, this is a reminder that my holiday is over. Time to go back. I'll be more than fine once I get there. But for now, why can't my rich old man come and marry me so I don't have to go back to school?

*goofy grin*

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