Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello Jello!

So there was weight training today...lower body work out...and as usual I was feeling like jello...but as usual I was acting all macho (as if i can ever look macho)...leaning against the verticle bar thing...right ankle behind the other...arms folded casually...

Coach: You done?
Klutz: *looks at partner* You done?
Partner: Yeah.
Klutz: *looks at coach* Yeah.
Coach: You are free to go then...
Klutz: Yeah. K.

The klutz took a step forward and...

*organ music* angels prostrate fall...the angels prostrate fall...oh coach, your feet are so beautiful... lah, I didn't actually fall...but it nearly happened. Somehow the klutz managed to keep her balance...despite jello legs...and not worship the coach's shoes. I wonder when I will stop walking into bars.


ry said...

LOL!! I can really imagine the whole scene!! plus i'm actually humming that hymn..*and angels prostrate fall...*

haha look out at the most unexpected of areas!


caryn said...

*hides red face*