Friday, August 6, 2010

The Dreamer

I have been having weird dreams of late...

Last night I dreamt I arrived at the OKC airport, only it wasn't the OKC airport. Funny how dreams always mess things up huh? I dreamt my ex roommate was there to pick me up and I was so idiotic I exited the airport without stopping to pick up my luggage. I dreamt she gave me a bear hug and squeezed the poop out of me. And then I remembered the luggage and ran back into the airport. And then I got lost.

And then the pounding outside my window woke me up.

Yay for construction outside my room. It cuts short my nightmares.

And then there was the dream about Excel. He and I never were good buddies. School tried to teach me excel. School failed. School failed bad. But lately he and I were forced to meet again, and after a rocky start, we got along jest fine. In fact, we've been spending sooo much time with each other I dreamt about him.

I had a dream about excel. Has anyone in this world ever had a dream about a Microsoft Office program? I mean like, really?

If you did, you need to go get a life.


Foreign Stranger said...

Yes, I have. Even solved an actual project problem in my sleep - which I woke up to scribble down before returning to dreamland.

caryn said...

go get a life.