Friday, September 4, 2009

ngom ngom ngom

When you first start cooking for yourself, there will be times you get *ngom ngom ngom*, and there will be times you get *bleaak*...

I won't lie, there was one *bleaak* this week. But so far, it's ever so much better than the caf's daily bleaak menu. And the caf's daily bleaak menu is really bleaak. Trust me on that.

But I cooked (not from scratch in the plastic bag) curry today. And it was *ngom ngom ngom* tasty. *ngom ngom ngom*


I think I ate myself silly.

Anyways, life is settling down. Second week of classes are over. I've lost that "OH MY COW, I'M GONNA FAIL SO BAD" feeling. Work is winding down aka professors have stopped breaking classrooms. I actually got to sit down for an hour at work today. And I'm getting the hang of this scavenge for food thing.

*ngom ngom ngom*

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