Friday, August 14, 2009


Changi airport's wifi is awesome. Like seriously, I'm in love.

So I left the house on Friday, 14th August at 6pm. Will arrive in Oklahoma on Sunday, 17th August at 7am (Malaysian time) or Saturday, 16th August at 8pm (American time). That's if United Airlines doesn't screw up my flight itinerary again.

But if they do, its OK. I'll just turn nasty and demand that they promote me to first class.

Yeah right, like that will ever happen. The nasty bit, not the first class bit. =)


So it will be another 35 hours before I get another bath. I feel all nasty already. But this time, I won't be going back to a dark, nasty, stinky dorm toilet. This time, the toilet wouldn't have been left vacant all summer. And this time, I won't be greeted with brown, rusty water from the faucet. I hope. Coz if it does, I'll just curl up in a ball and die.

Not that I died last time. But I do hope for a better toilet, now that I've moved to the apartments. Which brings me to my next point...


I got a place in the apartments this coming school year. Which means I get my own room, share a bathroom with 1 instead of 4 girls, and avoid eating in the cafeteria. But it also means I'll be starting over with getting to know my apartment mates. Again.

Not that that is a bad thing. Just that it would be nice to know that the people you live with don't think you are a psycho and vice-versa.


On 14 Aug 2008, exactly one year ago, I was freaking out about leaving. This year I ran out of freaks to freak out. I'll miss home so, so much. But I know the same God who saw me through the last year will see me through another.


Foreign Stranger said...

Hey dear. Have a safe trip, will catch up with you when you get to this side of the world, ok? =)

caryn said...

yes my boy. you be good and find yourself a wife. if not i won't talk to you. EVER.

Foreign Stranger said...

How long you don't want to talk to me for???

caryn said...