Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To Lah or not to Lah.

Got many people tell me that I still use "lah". Then today, I tried to say "la" oso cannot wan. So saddening you know o' not?

Brrr. I think I'm traumatized from typing *points upwards* that. Its one thing speaking like that, and another actually typing it out. Brrr.

Anyways, after dinner, I trotted downstairs to throw trash rubbish. And on the way up, I decided to "Selamat Malam" the guards so they won't think I am a snotty pastor's kid who just came back from the US of A. But instead, this twinkie banana opened her mouth and "Semamat Mamamed" the guards.
Got many people tell me that I still use "lah". But then again...
p.s. This is a twinkie: yellow on the outside, and white on the inside.

1 comment:

ry said...

Hey, was just reading your blog before i pop to

"Semamat Mamamed!!!!"

; D