Monday, May 18, 2009

Life is a Highway...

Pa took me driving today. Rather I took Pa driving, if you get what I mean.
Before you read on, I DID NOT KILL ANYONE. Thank you for reading and understanding that.
It was a peaceful drive, Pa and I being such gentle people. Now if Mum was there, there would probably be more sound waves in the car. But Mum reads my blog, so we shall divert from that topic. That being said, Pa's legs did shoot out a few an octopus. But Pa reads my blog, so we shall divert from that topic as well.
But as I said, I DID NOT KILL ANYONE. And that's all that matters.
On the topic of cars, have you ever tried getting out of a car while still wearing a seatbelt? It makes you feel THAT smart. But then watching someone else do the exact same thing makes everything better. *grins*


ry said...


That someone else prob did that to humour you caryyyn!

: P

Carmen said...

was it you regina??? hahaha!!! hmm..since u can drive..that means I have an extra driver! :D