Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Do

I had a pretty interesting day today...had the chance to witness an American wedding...I was asked to help film the wedding...and that's how I ended up in a (very gorgeous) church, smiling at a bride and groom who probably was wondering why there was a Chinese girl that they had never seen before, hovering around in the background...=P

Lookie at the pweety pews with bulletins neatly lined up and the bouquets of flowers...unfortunately they weren't purple flowers...*sigh*...
This is what the pastor gets to look at: me and the video cam!! haha...see the blackish thing with spider legs at the end? That was my baby for a few hours...
This is the guest book...and I'm in the reflection...see me??

Actually, there was a whole lot more pwetty stuff that I didn't catch...the ice sculptures...the cake...the punch bowl-fountain...the chocolate fountain...

But yeah, thing I found interesting was that ushers (who are all guys) have to escort every single female to their seat...but I guess some of them got overzealous and offered their arm to any female that appeared single...and it was faintly amusing to see their lonely husbands sheepishly trotting behind the tuxedoed guy ushers and their wives.

But probably the highlight of the day was the fact that I managed to tramp around on these for 8 hours...

It's amazing what the female feet can take for the sake of vanity...

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