Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quotes from a Nursing Student (Part 1)

Every so often, I hear/think of something so intelligently hillarious I just gotta share it with the world.

Yes readers, YOU are my world.

*awkward silence*

Just kidding.

SOOOO...Quote #1:
Nursing Instructor: So when you insert at rectal suppository (torpedo that goes up your butt), make sure you insert it about 4 inches deep.
Nursing Student: Umm...what if my finger is only 2 inches long?

Quote #2:
Upon listening for a patient's pulse...
Nursing Student as Nurse: I don't hear anything!
Nursing Student as Patient: You are not supposed to say that out loud!

Quote #3:
Nursing Student: Okay! I'm gonna do this...MacGyver Style!

Quote #4
Upon ambulating a patient down the hallway.
Nursing Student as Nurse: Okay, pretend to fall.
Nursing Student as Patient: Now?
Nursing Student as Nurse: YES, NOW.
Nursing Student as Patient: *falls*
Nursing Student as Nurse: Wait, not so fast!

Quote #5/6
Nursing Student A as Nurse: My patient won't stop laughing!
Nursing Student B as Patient: *laughs even louder*

Nursing Student A as Patient: My nurse won't stop laughing!
Nursing Student B as Nurse: *laughs even louder and snorts*

This is just Part 1 of Quotes from a Nursing Student. Evidently we won't be so "siao" when we are actually practicing on real people. Even if we were, I wouldn't be able to blog about it. So enjoy the crazy things we nursing students say in lab while you can.

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