Thursday, September 17, 2009

48 bpm

Last year in Human Anatomy Lab, I found out that I don't sweat.

This year, I found out that I'm dead. Or almost dead. Whichever. I have a heart rate of 48 beats per minute. The normal adult has a heart rate of at least 60 bpm. Which means my heart beats at least 12 times less per minute than a normal adult. That is 720 times less per hour, 17280 times a day, 120960 times a week, 518400 times a month and 6307200 times a year less than a normal adult - to say the least. Therefore, I'm dead.

I rest my case.

There are two explanations for this:
1. I'm an athlete with a super strong heart.
2. I live on the other side of the edge - too calm and cool to have a normal heart rate.

Well, there is a third explanation. But I don't think I've an incurable heart disease.

I'm inclined to option #2. What do you think, hey?

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