Monday, August 17, 2009

I'll take the jet without the lag.

The cow went back to work today. Truth be told, she wouldn't have minded sleeping in and playing the "jet lag" card. But doing that would throw her off schedule for a week (or two). So she went back to work, and told the boss to keep her busy or she'd collapse on him.

Honestly, my brain isn't quite functional yet. On more than one occasion, I'd turn left when I should have turned right. So I spent the good part of today wandering around campus, stopping, looking embarrassed, and turning around. Then, I took my lunch break and went to the bank. to do stuff. I got there fine, but I forgot how to get back. Sorta. Haha. I missed a turning. But that's normal. I'm forever missing turnings, and forgetting to get off at stations, and taking the wrong buses anyways.

But besides all that, I survived the 9-5 day, went to the walmarts to find food, came back, ate dinner, and collapsed. Thank goodness I got a call at 10ish, if not I'd still be curled up at the foot of my bed, dead to the world.

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