And after that was the dreaded comprehensive final which nearly killed me.
However, nothing was more horrendous than waiting for the results. And that meant refreshing my internet browser every 10 minutes to check grades. That went on for 48 hours, mind you.
But we passed, and I am a happy girl.
So back to thanksgiving which was a hundred times more interesting than the final 2 weeks of school.
#1 I watched all 8 Harry Potter movies over 2 days. I'm still not a fan, but hey, I can say I completed a Harry Potter marathon. Not many people (in their right minds) have done that, will do that, or wish to do so.
#2 I cooked a turkey. Mainly because my roommate's work gave her one and she didn't know what to do with it. But also because its Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving ain't Thanksgiving till there's a 15 pound bird on the table. So they say.